Not These
Not these
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Not these
This one only
This one This one This one
Circle of Willis Drawing 8 See plates 131-134 7 18 points 6 Lt Rt 5 4 10 1. Vertebral arteries 2. Common carotid arteries 3. Basilar artery 4. Anterior communicating artery 5 Anterior cerebral arteries 6. Middle cerebral arteries 7. Internal carotid arteries 8. External carotidl arteries 9. Posterior cerebral arteries 10. Posterior communicating arteries 9 9 3 1 2
Venous Sinuses Drawing See plates 97-98 9 points 1 2 1. Superior sagittal sinus 2. Inferior sagittal sinus 3. Great cerebral vein (of Galen) 4. Straight sinus 5. Confluence of sinuses 6. Occipital sinus 7. Transverse sinus 8. Sigmoid sinus 9. Internal jugular vein 4 3 8 7 5 6 9
Ventricular System Drawing 14 points See plate 102-103 1. Frontal (anterior) horn of Lateral ventricle 2. Body (central part) of lateral ventricle 3. Trigone of lateral ventricle (not in Netter) 4. Occipital (posterior) horn of lateral ventricle 5. Temporal (inferior) horn 6. Interventricular foramen (of Monro) 7. Interthalamic adhesion 8. 3rd ventricle 9. Cerebral aqueduct (of Sylvius)* 10. 4th ventricle 11. Foramen of Luschka 12. Lateral recess 13. Median aperture (Foramen of Magendie) 14. Central canal of spinal cord 2 1 8 4 6 9 3 7 5 11 10 12 13 Ventricular System Drawing 14