SEMI Journal 4/30/18 Start a NEW set of journals. How was your weekend? What sports or entertainment things did you do? Please review my teacher calendar!
Marketing Journal 4/30/18 Continue on last week’s journals. What did you like about the Create your own World Project? What could be improved for future students on this project? Check my teacher calendar!
Start a new set of Journals. Who and what has influenced your Values? PPS1 Journal 4/30/18 Start a new set of Journals. Who and what has influenced your Values? Check the teacher webpage for this week’s assignments.
SEMI Journal 5/1/18 Have you ever purchased anything as a result of online advertising? Why or Why not? Which type of online advertising do you think is most effective for advertising? Justify your answer.
Marketing Journal 5/1/18 McDonald’s in India does not sell Big Macs or any beef products. Is McDonald’s in India still McDonald’s? What makes McDonald’s - McDonald’s around the world? Please write a 3-5 sentence thoughtful paragraph on these questions.
PPS1 Journal 5/1/17 List 2 things you learned about in PPS1 over the last 2 weeks. How is PPS1 class helping you?
SEMI Journal 5/2/18 On the activity you did yesterday for JHS – which step was the easiest for you to complete? Why? Which step was the most difficult? Why? (If you did not complete it – tell me WHY in your journals)
Marketing Journal – Part 1 5/2/18 List the four types of brand strategies and state an example for each. (Please do not use the ones given in class – come up with your OWN examples). Please keep your journals OPEN today – there are 2 parts.
Marketing Journal Part 2 Read the “Evolution of Logo Design” article posted on TEAMS. Identify 5 most interesting things from that article and put in your journals. Be prepared to share you findings with class.
PPS1 Journal 5/2/17 You will have a Values Quiz today – how do you think you are going to do on it? What was your “aha” moment about values during the last week?
SEMI Journal 5/3/17 Do you know anyone who has an advertising career? What do they do? Do you think you might want to pursue something in advertising? Why or Why not?
Marketing Journal 5/3/18 So far in Unit 3 you have completed several activities, what has been your favorite and WHY?
PPS1 Journal 5/3/17 What were the 3 most interesting things you learned from the Let’s Explore projects?
The Valet Case Study 1. How important is honesty and being dependable for a person such as a valet? Other positions? 2. If someone accidentally drops something on the ground or loses something, at what point is ownership lost? Immediately? When out of sight? When another person finds it? 3. If the money was on the floor of the car rather than on the ground beside the car, would your answer be different? Explain.
SEMI Journal 5/4/18 What is e-mail used for in today’s society? In your opinion, how has e-mail changed over the years? SAVE your journals!
SEMI E-MAIL Activity Compose a short email about a new or improved sports or entertainment related product or service to Ms. Draime. Don’t forget to insert a subject line and send to: You also need to have a greeting and your signature. Feel free to use your phone for this activity. This is due at the end of the period – 50 points!
Marketing Journal 5/4/18 List as many terms for price as you can. Search on the internet for a company recently accused of pricing violations (company name, what violation and outcome) and write a summary – be sure to list the source. PRINT and TURN IN your journals (10 of them).
What is a job description? Why are they important in the workplace? PPS1 Journal 5/4/18 What is a job description? Why are they important in the workplace? SAVE your journals.
PPS1 Reflective Journal Title – Job Description You need to respond to the following in your Reflective Journals: 1. Research one of your careers and find a job description for that job. (Remember to use some techniques from the Research article you read earlier this semester). 2. Review the information and write about the job description in your journals – be sure to include the source. 3. List some skills that are required from the job description that you found. If there are none listed then you need to find another one. 4. Reflect and tell me about some required skills that you already have for this job and explain why. 5. Tell me about some skills that you need to develop and how you are going to do this. Be prepared to discuss this with your classmates.