The Wonder Years Nursery 1 Spring Term – Eagles Ms. Rasha March 2016 Upcoming Dates: 10th April-Summer Term Begins (Teachers only) 11th April-Children Return 12th April-Teddy Bear Picnic 5th May-Al Israa Al Miraj Day *(TBC) 16th May-Jungle Day 6th June- Ramadan Start (TBC) 15th June- Pirate/Princess Day 19th June- Graduation Day/ Party 28th June- Last Day of Term Topics this term: Seasons (Holidays, Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn) Nursery Rhymes (Incy Wincey Spider, Humpty Dumpty, 12345 once I caught a fish alive, Five Little Ducks, Old McDonalds, The Wheels On the Bus) This term… The Eagles welcomed two new friends to their class and we started our second term with an interesting topic on “Seasons”. Children explored what the four seasons are and our experiences living in Dubai. Children talked about their own travelling and life experiences to make them aware of the different seasons. We discussed the weather, how trees change over time and how we can dress appropriately for each season. Nursery Rhymes was one of our favourite topics. They were well known, simple and fun. We learnt about spiders body parts through the rhyme “ The Incy Wincy Spider”. Then we explored eggs by peeling and tasting them when learning about the rhyme “Humpty Dumpty”. During the rhyme”1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive”, we brought a real fish to explore with magnifying glasses. When learning “5 little ducks went out one day” children were introduced to the mathematical concept of taking away. Followed by “Old Mc Donald Had a Farm” which allowed us to emphasise the importance of farms and we experienced milking cows. How much fun! We came to the end of our 2nd term and what a better way to finish than enjoying a great morning with our family at spring concert. Have a fabulous Spring break! Ms. Rasha The Wonder Years Nursery 1 04 368 5600