Week 3 Mrs. Hancock, 8B Social Studies
Monday Warm Up Yesterday was the 15th anniversary of 9/11. The U.S. lost nearly 3,000 people. Today this day is called Patriot Day and is recognized as a National Day of Service and Remembrance, to honor those who lost their lives. How do we preserve the legacy of those we lost? How do we live up to their example? And how do we keep their spirit alive in our own hearts?
President Obama’s Remarks on the anniversary of 9/11
WARM UP continued Answer at least one of the three questions: How do we preserve the legacy of those we lost? How do we live up to their example? And how do we keep their spirit alive in our own hearts?
Lady Liberty - 9/11 Memorial Museum
… transitioning to culture… We will continue to work with our COLORADO COLLEGE partner to examine the artifacts relating to Native American cultural regions. Remember: Use the maps on the class website to determine regions. Check answers with teachers - Mrs. H, Ms. Q, Mr. Barker Read the online chapter and take notes
Tuesday Warm Up REVIEW!!!! Quiz on Wednesday - you can use your notes! It will focus mostly on skills and the essential question, “how did the first Americans adapt to their environment?” What is a hypothesis and how do you make one? What is a region? What is culture?
Partner Card: Remember you CANNOT partner with someone you partnered with before! Four NEW people :) football honor pumpkin spice latte freedom
FINISH your NOTES today!! We will continue to work with our COLORADO COLLEGE partner from last week to examine the artifacts relating to Native American cultural regions. Remember: Use the maps on the class website to determine regions. Check answers with teachers - Mrs. H, Ms. Q, Mr. Barker Read the online chapter and take notes
Wednesday Warm Up Review page 18 in the atlas. Using evidence from the maps and text answer the question: How did the first Americans adapt to their environment? … Find your football partner and discuss
Thursday WARM UP Analyze the data. What questions did we do well on? What can we improve on? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Question 1
Question 8
There are a total of 20 Rounds - keep track of your team points on the white board
Use this map to start completing page 3 in the new Exploration notes Use this map to start completing page 3 in the new Exploration notes. You can find them on the website.
Complete the “Preview” in your Friday box. Friday’s WARM UP: Complete the “Preview” in your Friday box.