WELCOME! 3.13.2017 JM Speech Team Meeting
Getting Started- Sr. Cpts Information & Paperwork Warm Up Information Congrats to all – placed 1st place at Owatonna! Paperwork Registration – Northfield, Winona Cotter If you CANNOT compete at Sections, I need to know TODAY! If you cannot present for Showcase, I need to know today. Rate/Rank Forms – keep filling these in after each meet Brought to you by Senior Captains!
Northfield Meet Info.- Lyke Be here at 6:50 a.m. Bus leaves at 7 a.m. 3 Rounds and Finals No Novice divisions (sorry) Bring a lunch or money for lunch Home around 5:00 Everyone should be “off script” (This means your speech is fully memorized.) Continue to dress professionally
Northfield, Cont. - Adam Draw categories: you will draw from ALL stories and/or topics – you will draw for EACH round ** WIFI/Internet for Ex Spk & Disco Discussion: ALL sections from the outline will be fair game. Awards: 3:15 (approximately) – Auditorium Stay dressed up until after awards CLEAN UP! Please clean up our area in the cafeteria and auditorium when we visit schools
Northfield Schedule- Adam 7:45-8:15 a.m. Team Registration 8:45 a.m. All Draws Begin 8:50 a.m. Judges Meeting 9:15 a.m. Round I begins, all events 10:45 a.m. Round II begins, all events 12:15 a.m. Round III begins, all events 1:45 p.m. Final Rounds begin 3:15 p.m. Awards in auditorium
- Bus Breakfasts- Jr. Cpts Thanks to those who’ve supplied bus breakfasts so far! Yummy! Northfield: Winona Cotter: Sections:
Points Sheets- Lyke Be sure to get your necessary signatures each practice/meeting! Make sure your name is at the top! Winona Cotter is our last invitational.
T-shirts- Sr Cpts
Tuesday, March 21 Big 9 Information- Adam 39 entries – Big 9 Rules Excused from 8th hour (the WHOLE team is excused) @ Mayo H.S. – Drive there Need a ride? See Nieland 3 rounds – No finals Awards – 8:00ish – Parents/Family are invited. Pick up at MAYO! If you are SICK/CANNOT compete you must contact NIELAND by 9 a.m. that Tuesday! If you are SICK/CANNOT compete you must contact NIELAND by 9 a.m. Tuesday!
Big 9 Schedule - Lyke 3:00-3:15: Registration 3:30: Drawings begin 3:45: Judges’ Meeting 4:00: Round 1 All events 5:15: Round 2 All events 6:30: Round 3 All events 8:00: Awards
Big 9 – Tough decisions- Lyke We considered the following: Success this season Practice and meeting attendance Dedication Age Competing with a balanced team
Big 9 Team – 39 entries- Adam Creative: Haarini, Rebecca Discussion: Tim, Oreoluwa, Ali, Grace Drama: Grace, Faduma
Big 9 Team, cont.- Lyke Extemp Rdg: Ayah, Tosin Great: Chris, Grace, Claire Humor: Rachel, Mulki, Hodman Info: Manjari, Kelsey, Emma, Allison, Fernanda OO: Zibby, Anna Poetry: Micaela, Ola, Asmaa, Gray,Zanne
Big 9 Team- Adam Prose: Maria, Read, Keerthi, Celia Storytelling: Egan, Nathanael, Abby Extemp Speaking: Nikhil, Hunter, Henrik, Janet Alternate: Preethi Congratulations to all!
Section Team- Lyke Limited again to 39 entries Section Team will be announced Monday, March 27 – NOT necessarily Big 9 team Considerations: Success this season Practice and meeting attendance Dedication Age
I’m proud I…Jr Cpts Take a moment to reflect on your season. What is something that you are proud you have accomplished so far this season? Share with a neighbor. You and your neighbor join another partnership. Share. Repeat. We will call on volunteers to share.
Guest Coach Practices - Lyke Start March 28 – March 30 SECTION TEAM ONLY Must attend regular practice Must attend practice with a guest coach