Keys to Financial Success
KEYS INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITIES Introductory Video (Copy and answer in binder) What is the course about? Why do you think we are studying this material? What do you hope to gain from this part of the course?
Keys Pre-Test This pre-test has 66 total question – 50 multiple choice questions and 16 survey questions Choose only one answer for each question even if you think more than one answer could be right. Multiple answers for the same question will be scored as incorrect. If you need to make a correct, cross out the answer you circled and circle the new answer. You will have a portion of the class to finish the test. Remember – this is a PRE-TEST! You are not expected to know all of the information. All correct questions, earn you points. Wrong answers will not be counted against you. ALL TEST EXPECTATIONS APPLY
KEYS INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITIES 7 Keys to Financial Success Reading Activity