7th Grade Science Syllabus
Fill in your name. Print please.
http://www. gwisd. esc2. net/vnews/display. v/TP/4e14859a6a33e http://www.gwisd.esc2.net/vnews/display.v/TP/4e14859a6a33e?cssfile=/teacherpages/Plain_Label_Black/default.css
Laptop Rules: Do NOT alter any setting on the laptops. This means do not change the size or placement of the icons, do not change the background, do not change the name of any files. Doing any of theses things is an automatic referral. Do not use pencils, pens, markers etc to push the keys on the keyboard. Only use your fingers.
Sign your name, print the date and period you have science class.
Take the entire handout home, have it signed and return it tomorrow. This will be your first grade. If turned in by Friday, you will receive a 100. After Friday, you will receive a zero