EUEB Meeting 17 June 2014, Brussels DG ENVIRONMENT EUROPEAN COMMISSION Proposal for inclusion of a new PG in the EU Ecolabel Scheme ‘Batteries (advanced lead acid)' EUEB Meeting 17 June 2014, Brussels DG ENVIRONMENT EUROPEAN COMMISSION
Description of the product group “Batteries (advanced lead acid)” The proposer offers a technology (CTT – Crystal Control Technology) which improves the lifetime and performance of all types of lead acid batteries. The product (BEAT – Battery Enhancement And Treatment) sends an electrical pulse through the battery, reducing significantly its normal aging process. It is referred that this treatment doubles the battery lifetime and triples its performance. Product: BEAT®50 (CTT – Crystal Control Technology) Proposer: WaveTech GmbH Those products had been awarded with the 'Blau Engel' in the past ('Solar-Powered Products' - RAL-UZ 116, May 2012, RAL gGmbH). The scope is defined as follows: These Basic Criteria apply to solar-powered products for indoor and outdoor use according to the following paragraphs2 § 3.1 Solar-powered products without battery, e.g. watches, calipers, desktop and handheld calculators, titrators, solar experimental kits, § 3.2 Solar-powered indoor products with accumulator, e.g. milk frothers, illuminated photo frames, wireless keyboards, data recording and data display devices § 3.3 other solar-powered products (outdoor and varying fields of use), e.g. electric fence energisers, house number lights, gate operators, rolling shutters, garden lights, grave lights, garden equipment, torches, portable IT and communication devices, solar chargers. A product within the meaning of these Basic Criteria is a complete system including solar module, charging electronics and electrical consumer and/or energy storage medium (accumulator, capacitor, etc.)3. 2
Feasibility of definition and scope: The product was identified as lead acid batteries treated with “Crystal Control Technology”. Environmental impacts analysis available: A proper LCA was not provided. Potential environmental benefits mentioned: less energy conversion losses and heat production in charging/discharging, longer lifetime of the battery, which saves energy and saves spill from batteries that do not reach the recycling and less regular maintenance, which also saves energy. Market volume: No market data was provided. WaveTech owns a world patent on CCT. Since CCT can be applied to all kinds of lead acid batteries, the potential use of BEAT products is the whole sector of lead acid batteries. It is referred that acceptance of BEAT products has been rather slow, due to the fact that effectiveness of CCT is demonstrated best in long time forced lifecycle tests and consumers are reluctant to use new solutions. Visibility / Political sensitivity + Conflictive product group / Potential uptake: Low. Low political sensitivity. No conflicts with existing product groups. Unclear. 3
An explanation on the EU Ecolabel criteria development was uploaded in the EU Ecolabel website 4