Mandates for Unit A6 "Statistical cooperation" (Doc MGSC/2013/16) Fifteenth meeting of the Management Group on Statistical Cooperation Luxembourg, 14-15 March 2013
Outline Reasons for developing a mandate The process of developing a mandate The legal basis for a mandate Priorities in the mandate and changes Activities of cooperation as described in the mandate Benefits for Eurostat to work along the mandate Resources in unit A6
Reasons for developing a mandate In 2005 – ensuring support from subject matter units, especially for work in the developing countries In 2012: Merger of the cooperation units Increasing interest from regional organisations Increasing reference to Estat/ESS from countries Increasing demand for data from other DGs Priority setting inside Eurostat Reduced resources Addition of Greece TA to the unit
The process of developing a mandate Each unit developed its own mandate Worked out by team leaders Then merger and top management agreement In 2012 Old mandate as a basis Small task force to review changes needed Discussion in unit meeting Revision by task force / HoU Discussion at the Eurostat board meeting
The legal basis of the mandate Europe partnerships Association and Stabilisation agreements Association Agreements Partnership and cooperation agreements Treaty article 208 – Union policy in the field of development cooperation should be conducted within the framework of the principles and objectives of the Union's external action."
Priorities in the mandate and changes Stable TA to Greece Work with enlargement countries Work with ENP East countries Work with ENP South countries Changed Work with developing countries changed focus Work with regional organisations only Promotion of ESS values and initiatives Development, maintenance and promotion of statistical tools Not done anymore Work with individual countries Work on individual statistical domains Work on some tools that did not meet sufficient user interest
Activities of cooperation Enlargement countries and ENP countries Provide service to other Eurostat units (filter of requests) To collect, validate and disseminate data To provide statistics for policy purposes To design and implement regional statistical assistance programmes To support regional statistical assistance programmes To advice on the design and implementation of national assistance programmes To contribute to the political process with data, reports, meetings To monitor compliance with the acquis To implement global assessments and peer reviews and follow-up To organise high level seminars and meetings Developing countries To advice on regional capacity building programmes To host study visits/high level meetings to share best practices To organise workshops on ESS values and initiatives To develop tools for statistical production or planning development assistance To provide experience on the ESS model to other regional organisations
Benefits for Eurostat to work along the mandate Assistance work can be planned by the production units Enlargement countries are prepared for joining the EU in the area of statistics Eurostat can deliver data to other DGs in important policy areas and for monitoring progress Eurostat can contribute to other policies in accordance with its vision and mission Trainees create a network and are familiar with acquis and the working methods in Estat/MS Promotion of values to other countries/regions Coordinated actions in the area of cooperation activities Efficiency gains for the whole of Eurostat Promotion of the ESS as a model / template for regional cooperation Cooperation between countries in conflict situation is possible
Resources in unit A6 Staff total – 25 IPA budget – between 5-10 Mill€ every year Medstat III – 7Mill€ for 3 years (but not managed by Eurostat directly, only advisory role) Twinnings with ENP countries – 1-2 Mill€ per year (but not managed by Eurostat directly) Budget for global assessments/ peer reviews + training + high level seminars and workshops + tools development – around 2Mill€ per year
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