How did William control England after the Battle of Hastings? WALT – explore a motte and bailey diagram
Starter - Anagrams rkoy stlaec lliiawm dufela ssymet I eovl ohytrsi Castle, william, normans, york, feudal system, motte and bailey, I love history annmosr etotm dan lebayi
Map from memory in groups of 3.
Motte and Bailey Castle Draw and colour in. 20 minutes!
Motte and Bailey Castle Wooden Keep Motte Bailey Houses Palisade Gate Ditch/Moat Bridge
Definitions of the following words… Motte – Bailey – Pallisade – Moat – Keep -
Advantages Disadvantages Whole class discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of motte and bailey castles. Bullet point list in to table.
Were motte and bailey castles effective? I think motte and bailey castles were effective/ineffective because... Give reasons to support your opinion.