CZECH REPUBLIC Socio-demographic trendlines - EP Eurobarometer (2007-2015) Edition 1 (January 2016) Directorate-General for Communication Public Opinion Monitoring Unit
Contents Interest in European affairs 3 Image of the European Parliament 8 Role of the European Parliament 13 Attachment to the European Union 18 Membership of the European Union 23 Benefits of membership 28 My voice counts in the European Union 33
Interest in european affairs
Differences between the EU and Czech Republic Interest in European affairs Would you say that you are very interested, fairly interested, not very interested or not at all interested in European affairs? Answer: Total "Interested" (%) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Czech Republic: Gender Interest in European affairs Would you say that you are very interested, fairly interested, not very interested or not at all interested in European affairs? Answer: Total "Interested" (%) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Czech Republic: Age Interest in European affairs Would you say that you are very interested, fairly interested, not very interested or not at all interested in European affairs? Answer: Total "Interested" (%) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Czech Republic: occupation Interest in European affairs Would you say that you are very interested, fairly interested, not very interested or not at all interested in European affairs? Answer: Total "Interested" (%) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Image of the european parliament
Differences between the EU and Czech Republic Image of the European Parliament In general, does the EP conjure up for you a very positive, fairly positive, neutral, fairly negative or very negative image? Answer: Total "positive" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Czech Republic: Gender Image of the European Parliament In general, does the EP conjure up for you a very positive, fairly positive, neutral, fairly negative or very negative image? Answer: Total "positive" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Czech Republic: Age Image of the European Parliament In general, does the EP conjure up for you a very positive, fairly positive, neutral, fairly negative or very negative image? Answer: Total "positive" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Czech Republic: occupation Image of the European Parliament In general, does the EP conjure up for you a very positive, fairly positive, neutral, fairly negative or very negative image? Answer: Total "positive" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Role of the european parliament
Differences between the EU and Czech Republic Role of the European Parliament Would you personally like to see the European Parliament play a more important or less important role than it currently does? Answer: "More important" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Czech Republic: Gender Role of the European Parliament Would you personally like to see the European Parliament play a more important or less important role than it currently does? Answer: "More important" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Czech Republic: Age Role of the European Parliament Would you personally like to see the European Parliament play a more important or less important role than it currently does? Answer: "More important" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Czech Republic: occupation Role of the European Parliament Would you personally like to see the European Parliament play a more important or less important role than it currently does? Answer: "More important" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Attachment to the european union
Differences between the EU and Czech Republic Attachment to the European Union Please tell me how attached you feel to the European Union Answer: Total "Attached" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Czech Republic: Gender Attachment to the European Union Please tell me how attached you feel to the European Union Answer: Total "Attached" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Czech Republic: Age Attachment to the European Union Please tell me how attached you feel to the European Union Answer: Total "Attached" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Czech Republic: occupation Attachment to the European Union Please tell me how attached you feel to the European Union Answer: Total "Attached" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
membership of the euROPEAN UNION
Differences between the EU and Czech Republic Membership of the European Union Generally speaking, do you think that (OUR COUNTRY)'s membership of the EU is...? Answer: Total "a good thing" (%) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014 EE2009 National election (May 2010)
Czech Republic: Gender Membership of the European Union Generally speaking, do you think that (OUR COUNTRY)'s membership of the EU is...? Answer: Total "a good thing" (%) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014 EE2009 National election (May 2010)
Czech Republic: Age Membership of the European Union Generally speaking, do you think that (OUR COUNTRY)'s membership of the EU is...? Answer: Total "a good thing" (%) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014 EE2009 National election (May 2010)
Czech Republic: occupation Membership of the European Union Generally speaking, do you think that (OUR COUNTRY)'s membership of the EU is...? Answer: Total "a good thing" (%) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014 EE2009 National election (May 2010)
Benefits of membership
Differences between the EU and Czech Republic Benefits of membership Taking everything into account, would you say that (OUR COUNTRY) has on balance benefited or not from being a member of the EU? Answer: Total "Benefited" (%) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014 EE2009 National election (May 2010)
Czech Republic: Gender Benefits of membership Taking everything into account, would you say that (OUR COUNTRY) has on balance benefited or not from being a member of the EU? Answer: Total "Benefited" (%) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014 EE2009 National election (May 2010)
Czech Republic: Age Benefits of membership Taking everything into account, would you say that (OUR COUNTRY) has on balance benefited or not from being a member of the EU? Answer: Total "Benefited" (%) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014 EE2009 National election (May 2010)
Czech Republic: occupation Benefits of membership Taking everything into account, would you say that (OUR COUNTRY) has on balance benefited or not from being a member of the EU? Answer: Total "Benefited" (%) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014 EE2009 National election (May 2010)
My voice counts in the european union
Differences between the EU and Czech Republic My voice counts in the European Union Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: My voice counts in the EU Answer: "Tend to agree" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Czech Republic: Gender My voice counts in the European Union Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: My voice counts in the EU Answer: "Tend to agree" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Czech Republic: Age My voice counts in the European Union Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: My voice counts in the EU Answer: "Tend to agree" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014
Czech Republic: occupation My voice counts in the European Union Please tell me to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements: My voice counts in the EU Answer: "Tend to agree" (%) EE2009 National election (May 2010) National election (Oct. 2013) EE2014