Achievement Award Alice edsd Achievement Award Alice For being very alert and responsive turning to her name and smiling. Well done Alice! Date: 15th April 2016
Achievement Award Isaac edsd Achievement Award Isaac For consistently making choices for favoured toys, tapping and exchanging the appropriate photo with minimal prompting. Well done Isaac! Date: 15th April 2016
Achievement Award Danyl edsd Achievement Award Danyl For following instructions to complete his phonics and over writing using his finger to form the letter ‘s’ perfectly on the iPad. Well done Danyl! Date: 15th April 2016
Achievement Award Leigh-Anna edsd Achievement Award Leigh-Anna For working hard in maths to independently measure the lengths of different objects. Well done Leigh-Anna! Date: 15th April 2016
Achievement Award Ethan edsd Achievement Award Ethan For being very responsible and carrying out jobs around the school. Well done Ethan! Date: 15th April 2016
Achievement Award Sofie edsd Achievement Award Sofie For interacting with the water and floating objects enthusiastically in a science activity. Well done Sofie! Date: 15th April 2016
Achievement Award Eden edsd Achievement Award Eden For working hard in his maths lesson by adding 1 more with numicon. He was then able to fill the board independently. Well done Eden! Date: 15th April 2016
Achievement Award William edsd Achievement Award William For being very thoughtful and adapting his work to support a friend in basketball. Well done William! Date: 15th April 2016
Communicator of the week edsd Communicator of the week Zephan For excellent communication about his holiday news. Well done Zephan! Date: 15th April 2016