Finding and reading research
What is a good topic? Concept mapping
How to find articles PsychInfo Google Scholar Search terms Thesaurus Limits And/or/not Google Scholar Quotation marks Searching forward vs. backward
What kind of articles should you use? Empirical Peer-reviewed Journal quality Year How many?
How should you read an article? Online reading for today Abstract Introduction Method Results Discussion
Article summaries First one due on Feb. 1 Be precise Be concise Use formal language APA style reference at the top Roughly a paragraph from each of the four major sections
Things to think about when reading an article What is the goal of the article? How does past research relate to or support this goal? What are the hypotheses? Are they interesting and important? What are the independent, dependent, and control variables? How are the constructs operationalized? (what are the operational definitions of the IV and DV?) What would I think if I were a participant? Are there any confounds or chances for researcher bias? What do the results mean? Are they what the researcher expected? How did the researcher interpret the results? Are they over-interpreted? What are the implications of the study? (what does it mean for the real world?)