Preparing Students to Leave the Academic Nest: Using Creative Inquiry to Develop Fledglings Nikki Panter and Jennifer Meadows Tennessee Technological University Introduction Conclusions Results Making substantial changes to an established course, while time-consuming and risky, resulted in a challenging and positive experience for students and instructors alike. During presentations of the team posters, external reviewers were encouraging about the course revisions and quality of the final product. Should change continue? Of course! Future plans include fine-tuning the individual assignments to enable students to pursue their chosen profession with an excellent portfolio. By listening to students and potential employers, BIOL3920 can incorporate new information and technology to improve students’ experience and preparedness. Just as faculty want to produce life-long learners, so we too must take a leap and fly from our comfortable nests! As a required course for all biology majors, BIOL3920 focuses on professional development and career readiness. Assignments have been designed to give the students experience in public speaking, technical writing, and teamwork. Why change? On the surface, the previous course design checked all the boxes to prepare students to enter the job market. However, a different pedagogy was worth exploring because: Due to the broad range of skill level at the beginning of the semester, students often experienced frustration or boredom. Most students still were unable to demonstrate the ability to think independently. Employers nationwide are seeking improved critical thinking and soft skills among graduates. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the top five qualities sought by employers across all majors in 2015 were not related to technical knowledge (Table 1). Objectives Primary changes in pedagogy (e.g., less structure, greater student choice) were met with an increase in agreement with course design (Figure 1) and improvement in targeted skills (Figure 2) after the changes were experienced. Introduce an incentive to excel based on the students’ abilities Provide specific learning outcomes related to each student’s career path. Increase students’ capabilities in critical areas (see Table 1) while improving their technical knowledge. Methods Construct a survey ( for students to take at the beginning and end of the semester. Utilize an initial writing skill assessment, along with a current resume and cover letter, to appoint team leaders. Brainstorm open-ended questions for team project topics. Build teams with a blend of biology majors and concentrations. Create assignments to foster team building and strengthen specific individual skills related to career goals utilizing Slack ( Provide a forum for students to discuss various viewpoints for team and individual presentations. Figure 1. BIOL3920 student survey responses regarding level of agreement with course traits at the beginning and end of fall semester 2016. Acknowledgments Sincerest thanks to Tennessee Technological University and its Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE). Specifically, we appreciate Dr. Laura Cruz (CTLE Director), Dr. Lenly Weathers (QEP Director), and Dr. Robert Kissell, Jr., (Biology Department Chair) for their support, freedom, and guidance. BIOL3920 instructors, Dr. W. Keith Gibbs and Mr. Jerry L. Swallows, are to be thanked for their kind cooperation and collaboration. Table 1. Attributes employers seek on a candidate's resume. Attribute % of respondents Leadership 80.10% Ability to work in a team 78.90% Communication skills (written) 70.20% Problem-solving skills Communication skills (verbal) 68.90% Strong work ethic Figure 2. BIOL3920 student survey responses regarding perception of personal skill levels at the beginning and end of fall semester 2016. References Errington, A., and Bubna-Litic, D. 2015. Management by Textbook: The Role of Textbooks in Developing Critical Thinking. Journal of Management Education 39(6): 774 –800. Job Outlook 2016, National Association of Colleges and Employers. Lavy, I., and Yadin, A. 2013. Soft Skills – An Important Key for Employability in the "Shift to a Service Driven Economy" Era. International Journal of e-Education 13 (5): 416-420. Order online at