Anglican Development Services of Mount Kenya East CONNECTED CHURCH Anglican Development Services of Mount Kenya East
‘My life lacked direction and purpose ‘My life lacked direction and purpose. My crops did not grow well and were seldom enough for our needs.’ Before the Church and Community Mobilisation Process (CCMP), Joyce lacked direction and purpose. Her harvests were poor and did not provide enough food for her family. Her situation changed drastically when she began the CCMP Bible studies. Stories such as the feeding of the five thousand opened her eyes to the resources and potential that God had provided, and Joyce and her husband began to look at the resources around them. They sought advice from a retired local agricultural officer on how to improve their farming methods, and to their surprise, their harvest multiplied vastly. They introduced new crops and were able to buy a dairy goat which has given birth to six kids.
‘Our income is a miracle that has come about from studying the word of God’ Joyce Muriuki Smiling broadly as she shares her story, Joyce said she realised that poverty is in the mind. She describes the income they now earn from their farming as ‘a miracle that has come about from studying the word of God through CCMP’
‘God has provided resources locally and if we open our eyes we can see them’ When she was younger, Joyce dropped out of tailoring college, to get married. She said, ‘The thought of the potential I have wasted for many years disturbs my soul. But thanks to CCMP I learnt from Isaiah 65 that God has a new vision for His people and so I prayerfully decided to begin a tailoring business.’ The business has grown and she now employs three people and has provided training to eight others. Through praying together, her family have grown closer and they have come up with a vision together. Joyce has also become a preacher, a family counsellor in their church, and is Chairperson of the Mothers’ Union. Through CCMP, some community members began a microfinance group called, ‘Kwimenya’ which means ‘realising your potential’. The group currently has 167 members and Joyce is the loan processing officer. Together they have saved almost £6000 from which they give loans to their members for small businesses and school fees. Joyce says, ‘CCMP is an important program which has shaped my life. I have experienced change and I am proud of the achievements I have made. May God bless the program to expand and transform the lives of many others!’
PRAYER Thank God for the transformation in Joyce’s life through reading the Bible Pray for her children’s education and for peace in her family and community Pray God’s continued blessing on their harvests and for her tailoring business