Chapter 5 Section 3
Nation’s First Parties Federalists Party- Alexander Hamilton. Wealthy elite. Strong national government. Anti-Federalists- Thomas Jefferson. Common people. Limited role of the national government. Became the Democratic Party.
First Party Era 1800-1860 Time period of Democratic dominance. For most of the era the Democrats had no opposition. Democrats changed politics in the areas of voting rights, elected offices, and party appointments. During this era the Republican Party arose from former Whigs and fragmented Democrats.
Era of the Republicans 1860-1932 The Republicans dominated the post Civil War period. Democrats developed the identity of the little man.
Return of the Democrats 1932-1968 The Great Depression brought an end to Republican dominance. FDR was the figure head that helped the Democrats gain support. New Deal.
New Era Nixon started the era off for the Republicans due to civil rights and Vietnam. Carter brought the Democrats back after Watergate and poor economic conditions. Reagan was able to bring the Republicans back into power due to a worsening economy and the Iranian hostage crisis.
New Era Clinton defeated Bush and gave the Democrats two terms. GW Bush now holds office for the Republicans. Time period of divided government.