BUCS Captains Training Lydia Smith – Sports Coordinator 1st October
What you will get from today’s training… Captain’s Expectations Financial Awareness Key dates BUCS Website Affiliations Rules, Regs, Appeals and Disciplinaries Individual/Team Championship Information Weekly Fixture Information Facility Allocation Match Officials and Cancellation Procedures Transport Info
Websites and contacts BUCS www.bucs.org.uk/homepage.asp SU Sports resources https://www.warwicksu.com/sports/ BUCS Forms https://www.warwicksu.com/sports/club-administration/bucs- forms/ BUCS Captains Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/475886082875756/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main BUCS Contact – Lydia.smith@warwicksu.com 02476 522 246 or 07938722947 Out of hours contact – 24/7 Campus Security 024 7652 2083
No Membership = No playing BUCS Preparing For Your Season Plan ahead – event and fixture dates. Know your deadlines! Get to grips with the BUCS website – rules and regs Driver Cards and registering your vehicles Get all players to buy membership ASAP! No Membership = No playing BUCS
Sports Fair BUCS Season BUCS Nationals Varsity Premier Playoffs Affiliations Sports Fair Captain’s Training BUCS Season BUCS Nationals Varsity BUCS Big Wednesday Premier Playoffs Season Outcomes
Key Dates BUCS 18/19 Begins 10th October BUCS Nationals 15th-17th February Conference Cup Finals 6th March Tier 1< League Deadline* 20th March Tier 2> League Deadline* 27th March BUCS Big Wednesday 27th March Premier Playoffs 27th March–22nd May
Expectations of Captains As much as you have expectations of the SU and Warwick Sport in supporting your BUCS experience , we also have expectations of you. As a BUCS Captain we expect you to: Fulfil BUCS fixtures and competitions for you and your team to perform to your full potential Meet all BUCS and SU deadlines for administrative tasks – be aware of BUCS rules and regs, team sheets, submitting results, entry deadlines, financial duties, reporting progress in BUCS championships Be a good ambassador for your club and the university – your conduct both on and off the field e.g. smart/collective team uniform to competitions Enjoy it!
Affiliations Most clubs will have to affiliate via BUCS! Failure to do so can result in automatic fines and walkovers. Check the link! Deadline Today: Football & Futsal
Financial Awareness You have your budgets – map out your year, use it wisely Any expenditure outside of grant allocated funding will be chargeable to the club or individuals wishing to compete. You can use your BUCS grant to claim for the following; transport expenses, match officials, competition entries, accommodation (£20 per athlete per night), first aid, facilities (off campus only) The BUCS budget isn’t infinite – please consider this when making decisions regards your BUCS activity All BUCS expenditure will firstly go through your club account and then be reimbursed via your grant. Occasionally, this can take longer to do than usual, so please be patient.
BUCS Website Rules and Regulations View your fixtures View your sport and its events – competition details Individual entries – BUCS Admin
Rules, Regs, Appeals & Disciplinaries Read up – General BUCS Rules and Regulations (Reg 4, 7, 10, 12) Know your sport – Sport Specific Rules and Regs Event Disputes – Should a dispute occur which could affect the continuation of the event/competition, you must present this, with evidence, to a BUCS member of staff within 30 minutes of the incident. £10 lodging fee. Playing Under Protest - Upon arriving at a fixture or event, if the team feels that there is a breach in any BUCS regulations (e.g. pitch is wrongly marked, team turning up late, ineligible player) they can complete a playing under protest form. BUCS will judge the form on the “effect that the grievance had on the result of the fixture” To make an appeal, please e-mail the completed form to Lydia Smith (clubadmin@warwicksu.com) by 10am on the day after the game. Appeals received after this time cannot be processed.
Disciplinaries Reg 17 - Bringing BUCS into disrepute Violence Disregarding requests/instructions of Tournament Directors or officials Encroachment on the playing/competition area Throwing missiles, bottles or other potentially harmful or dangerous objects Printing any material which will bring the company into disrepute, including social media platforms Consumption of alcohol Supporter’s conduct ***Any fines incurred will come from club funds and not the BUCS grant***
Transport Sports Coordinator (BUCS) will organise all weekly BUCS transport, one-off competitions need transport requests and it will be funded within your BUCS grant allocation - both fuel reimbursement and transport hire. Teams are required to share transport whenever possible and it’s in your best interest to go for the cheapest options. Types of transport: Personal Car (Self-Driven) Hire Car (Self-Driven) WS Minibuses (Self-Driven) External Minibus Public Transport Coach Collect/return your hire car/minibus from the Sports Centre car park and Sports Centre reception. Coach/bus departures will be from the Coach Car Park.
Transport <7 players: Drive themselves (own or hired vehicle) or use public transport 8-17 players: Self driven minibuses should be used (17 or 14 seats). Drivers need to be 21 and pass a minibus assessment beforehand. External available at last resort. More than 17 players: or those who are travelling with another team(s), you will be allowed to travel via a larger minibus or coach (externally driven) It is important for your team to travel using the transport method above in relation to your squad size. Should you want to travel using a method outside of your category this will be chargeable to the club, not your BUCS transport grant.
**DAMAGE – check vehicles before and after** Transport To drive a hired car, van or minibus you must be a Student or Alumni: Hold a full United Kingdom/EU driving licence Have no more than three points on their license and have had no accidents in the past three years. Be over 21 years of age (19 years of age to drive a 9-seater) Attend a safety briefing (9-seater+) Attend Minibus Driving Assessment (9 seater+) **DAMAGE – check vehicles before and after** Hire Vehicles Driver’s Card
Individual and Team Championships 1. Contact Club Admin. As soon as you know you want to enter a BUCS Competition, contact clubadmin@warwicksu.com to be set up as a Team Administrator on BUCScore 2. Make your entries using BUCScore. Following the entry information, enter all individuals giving plenty of time before the deadline. All entries must have the correct club memberships. 3. Confirmations. Contact clubadmin@warwicksu.com once entries are completed. Confirmation will be emailed once entries have been authorised and submitted. ENTRIES ARE NOT COMPLETED UNTIL THEY HAVE BEEN AUTHORISED BY A STAFF MEMBER. 4. Your Event. Check the event page on BUCS website for event detail updates and entry lists. Complete a Trip Registration Form for any BUCS Competition that involves an overnight stay. 5. Transport. If you require organised transport, you must complete and submit a transport hire form and email to clubadmin@warwicksu.com
Weekly Fixtures Plan Ahead! Making changes – can only be authorised by Lydia Smith and the oppositions Administrator Booking Officials Cash on the day (must complete match officials form and get it signed by the official). Please submit a Money Request Form to the Finance Office, prior to the game. The Official can invoice us and we will arrange payment to be sent to them via Bank Transfer or cheque. You can request the cash from the Finance Office prior to the match, but receipts/invoices must be supplied the day after the match. Failure to do this will result in the Finance Office withdrawing this goodwill gesture. Cancellations – circulate the news! Walkovers – we don’t do them!
Weekly Fixtures Home: Date/Time Sport and Team Venue Away: Transport (Size and Departure)
Match Day Keep in touch and stay connected Be prepared – remember your paperwork (teamsheets, PuP forms..) Check the details Home start time, opposition, venue, first aid, match officials Away start time, opposition, venue, transport details (departure time and bus size) Let us know how you did! Deadline – 10pm on match day Phone or text – 07934286130 Email – lydia.smith@warwicksu.com Tweet - @lydia_SUSports, #TeamWarwick Detail your team, opposition and result i.e. Men's Football 1st - Warwick 3 Loughborough 0
Always assume the game is on unless told otherwise! Cancellations and Rearrangements Always assume the game is on unless told otherwise! Postponements due to Bad Weather Generally decisions will be made by 10am on the morning of the match. 3pm the day before is opposition travelling a long distance You will be contacted if your match is called off and your facilities and transport will be cancelled for you and the opposition will be notified It is your responsibility to cancel any Match Officials and notify the Finance Office about not paying money out Postponements due to other reasons Rearrangements Suggest dates you can/cannot do. You will be contacted with suggestions, please reply promptly
Team Sheets TEAM SELECTION Download a team sheet from BUCS Forms on the Warwick SU website Send a copy of your team sheet to the SU at least 48 hours (weds for weekend) before your fixture All players must have Warwick Sport AND SU Membership before you submit team sheets, otherwise they will not be allowed to play Bring completed team sheets to every fixture along with Student IDs Exchange with the opposition before kick off, completing the second half of the team sheet Hand in completed team sheet (with yours and oppositions details) to Students’ Union by 10am the following day TEAM SELECTION
Team Selection Reg 6.7.2 In team sports which incorporate competition below First Team level, each team should be selected as though the other teams would be playing in a match of equal importance at the same time. REG 6.7.3 It would be expected that the first team would always be the strongest team available to represent that institution with consideration to REG 6.7.4 - establishing ‘normally’. REG 6.7.4 Teams must be selected as if all teams are playing on a given day, for example, if the first team does not have a match but the second team do, no players who would normally* represent the first team are eligible to play for the second team.
First Aid Arrangements You can collect a First aid kit from the Student Union Resources room (upper floor),on game day (deposit £20). Indoor Sports – cover is available through the Sports Centre Cryfield – additional cover is available through St Johns Westwood – additional cover is available through St Johns American Football - you require a Doctor/Paramedic present for your fixtures (BUCS regulations). For any injuries please contact Cryfield on 07884733074 who will contact St Johns For any accidents, please e-mail the Accident report form to Lydia Smith as soon as possible following the incident. Forms can be found in Club Administration on the SU Website.
Remember team sheet, playing under protest form, Student ID YOUR WEEK Monday 12pm deadline - Submission of cancellations for Wednesday. Email: clubadmin@warwicksu.com 2pm – Wednesday fixtures submit team sheets. Captains receive confirmation of Wednesday Fixtures and Transport Tuesday If opposition cancel (not due to weather) Lydia Smith will notify captains via email and text no later than 4:30pm Make sure you have booked appropriate officials for your match Wednesday - GAME DAY Remember team sheet, playing under protest form, Student ID Please collect; First aid kits, relevant monies, Cameras from SU Resources Room, no later than 10am Please text your fixture result to Lydia Smith, no later than 10pm. The number is 07934286130 Thursday 10am deadline Submit: Team sheets, Appeals. Captains receive the following weeks fixtures Friday 10am deadline Submission of Money Request and Transport Requests to Lydia Smith and the Finance Office for the following Wednesday
Any Questions?