North Carolina State Government
NC Legislative Branch The General Assembly Has the authority to pass state wide statutes (laws) Similar responsibilities to Congress NC’s Budget Taxes
Elections for General Assembly 50 Districts for NC Senate 120 Districts for NC House 2 year terms for both Senate and House No limit to number of terms
Qualifications for G.A. NC House NC Senate 21 years old Live in the district you represent for one year prior to election NC Senate 25 years old Living in NC for at least 2 years, your district for 1 year before elections
General Assembly Sessions Meet in odd numbered years for “long sessions” January-June Even numbered years meet for “short Sessions” Will also meet for special sessions called by Governor, speaker of the house, or president of the senate
The Governor Currently Pat McCrory Leader of Nc’s executive Branch Appoints many key state officials May grant pardons or commute (reduce) punishments for those convicted of a crime Cannot serve more than two consecutive terms (4 years each)
Lieutenant Governor Elected separately from governor Acts as the president of the NC Senate Current NC Lt. Governor is Dan Forest
North Carolina’s Judicial branch Superior Courts Deal with civil cases of more than $10,000 More serious criminal cases Jury trials Voted on by district (Governor can up to 15 special superior court judges as needed) Eight year terms District Courts Judge decides verdict No jury Usually civil cases or misdemeanors At least one per district (more depending on population) voted for four year terms
Appellate Courts Appellate courts Look at questions regarding state law All decisions are final unless overruled by the NC or US Supreme Court,
budget North Carolina begins their Fiscal Year on July 1, runs until June 30 of following year General Assembly adopts Biennial Budget; every two years in Odd Numbered Years May Revise, or change, the Budget during Even # Years Begins w/Governor MUST PASS A BALANCED BUDGET---Significance? How? Raise additional revenue, spend money from savings (ha!), cut spending, or a combination of all 3 Local Gov’t must pass budgets as well, not necessarily balanced
Structure of NC constitution Similar to U.S. Constitution in structure NC Constitution includes: -Preamble -Bill of Rights -Outline of the Framework of Government -Listing of State Powers & Responsibilities -Provision for Local Government -Methods of Amending the Constitution How many Constitutions has NC had? Three! 1776, 1868,1971
“Creature of the state” Local government “Creature of the state”
Local Government Two basic types: Counties & municipalities Different responsibilities Counties-100 in NC, colleges, education, jails, health services, social services, tax assessment Municipalities-cemeteries, Gas & Electric, streets, traffic control, urban development Local government- “creature of the state” Both-economic development, law enforcement, emergency services, waste collection
County commissioner-system Voters Elect Commissioner for Public Safety Commissioner for Public Works Commissioner for Finance Commissioner for Parks and Recreation
Activities Constitution Comparison Scavenger Hunt You Be The Justice Activity! I will split you into groups of 3, then you will work on the Scavenger Hunt 1st. The U.S. Constitution is in your text, beginning on Page 94. NC Constitution (1971 Version) Link is under Branches of Government Tab on Class Website, under Classwork Once you finish the Scavenger Hunt, we move to the Justice Activity, in which each group is provided a Scenario & then you make a ruling on it.