Working in partnership with Somerset County Council Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
The Practicalities The Volunteer Agreement Equal Opportunities Confidentiality Reliability Expenses Support supervision and training Insurance Health and safety Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
The Practicalities Complaints and compliments Gifts and bequests Smoke free working policy Ending your volunteering Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Equal Opportunities SCC’s Statement Somerset County Council positively values diversity and celebrates cultural and social differences. Our equal opportunities promise is to provide all services of equal quality that meet your needs and fulfil your rights. You can expect to be treated fairly, with respect, dignity and understanding whoever you are and whatever your background Read through the statement Explain 1. that it covers them as volunteers 2. that as they are providing a service they will have to work within the policy Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Equal Opportunities. The promise and it’s implications To promote equal opportunities for all groups Not to discriminate against any person or group directly or indirectly That the same range of quality service is offered to all The implications for Staff and Volunteers: To respect service users as individuals Recognise that some individuals belong to groups that may be discriminated against Work to empower all service users as individuals Read through the promise and the implications for staff and volunteers. Allow time for discussion 10 minutes max Draw out participants understanding of equal opportunities. Can they give examples of good equal opportunities practice and poor equal opportunities practice Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Confidentiality Confidentiality is about respecting the privacy of the people we work with, both service users and members of staff. Things to consider:- Keep information within the placement setting Only pass information on to staff or SYcD if you feel someone is being abused or is in danger of self harm Don’t off load on to family and friends If issues are raised or feelings aroused by your work discuss these with your supervisor Breach of confidence can damage the trust needed and may lead to dismissal from the service. Read through statement Emphasize importance re service users and members of staff. Remind participants that it is ok to off load feelings with family and friends but NOT information. See if you can draw out examples of the consequences of breaches of confidentiality Allow about 5 minutes. Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Reliability The work you do is important. Clients and staff are relying on you to keep to your agreed commitments. Make sure that you give as much notice as possible if you are unable to attend because of: Holidays Hospital appointments Sickness Remind participants that they should be informing the host service not nvb about absences Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Expenses Usually paid monthly Host service responsibility unless volunteering in the Out and About project Can be paid even if you are claiming benefits including Incapacity Benefit, Severe Disablement Allowance, Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support and Housing Benefit. Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Support, Supervision and Training Regularly as agreed on in your volunteer plan Opportunity to talk about issues and feelings One to one or in a group Opportunity to learn from others with similar experiences Important when lone working. Remind participants that support and supervision will vary depending upon where they are placed. In some areas it will be ongoing informal support but in others it will be more formal supervision. Training Provide participants with information about any additional training we are able to offer at the time e.g nvqs Open university free open learn coursews. Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Insurance SCC’s insurance covers: Public Liability Personal Accident But does not cover: Loss or damage to personal Property Motor insurance Volunteers are covered by these insurances when when carrying out their duties for SCC. Explain the meaning of Public Liability Insurance-refer to information sheets. Motor Insurance If driving as a volunteer need to inform your insurance company Might have to change cover to include business use Some companies don’t charge for this change. Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Volunteer Drivers Volunteer driving has special responsibilities and therefore we have to check annually: Driving licence MOT Insurance and also get you to complete a medical self assessment have copies of the medical self assessment form to hand to show the participants. Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Health and Safety Volunteers are treated as staff for the purposes of health and safety: Food Hygiene Infection Hypothermia Protecting your own health Avoiding injury If volunteers have colds, or other infectious conditions they should stay at home rather then put more vulnerable people at risk. If working with older people need to know the signs and symptoms of hypothermia Refer to volunteer handbook Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
SCC Compliments & Complaints Procedure This applies to you as a volunteer and the people you support for us We welcome your comments on the quality of our service and your suggestions on how it can be improved Any complaints received will be investigated thoroughly Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
SCC Compliments & Complaints Procedure If you have a complaint about the way you or a service user is treated discuss it with your volunteer supervisor first If you are unhappy with the response you get or the issue is still unresolved contact Somerset You can Do Services Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Somerset You can Do Services Comments, Suggestions and Complaints We hope that most of the time we get it right, and we want to know more about the service you are happy with. We welcome your comments on the quality of our service and your suggestions on how we can improve it To make comments, suggestions or complaints, please contact the Somerset You can Do Services manager, Bryan Mitchell on 01278 664180 or email Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Gifts and Bequests Do not accept gifts or bequests of money, jewellery etc Inform the voluntary services manager immediately if a bequest is made in a will Do not get involved in helping with or advising about making a will or other legal document Point out that it is ok for people to accept small gifts like a box of chocolates or bunch of flowers at Christmas etc. Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Smoke Free Work Policy Somerset County Council operates a smoke free working policy. Therefore smoking should not take place in:- Service users ‘ homes Volunteer drivers’ cars Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Safeguarding Those you Support What is abuse? Abuse takes many forms: Physical Emotional Financial Sexual Bullying Neglect Discrimination Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Safeguarding Those you Support What to do: To do nothing is not an option Report it to your volunteer supervisor or your main contact within SCC or Somerset You can Do Services Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Keeping Your Records up to Date Please inform us of : changes to your address changes to your emergency contact number or if you wish to stop volunteering This enables us to keep our records up to date and to deal with your file in an appropriate way Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
The Volunteer Agreement: Responsibilities of Somerset You can Do Services Responsibilities of host service Responsibilities of volunteer Signed by all involved Includes volunteer plan Have a blank copy of the three way agreement and volunteer plan for each participant so that they can refer to it as you go through the document. Allow time for discussion Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council