Evidence for Evolution
Floor Model No one Knows Thunder Storm
Evidence Pt.2: Embryological Similarities Target: I will be able to identify and explain the five main lines of evidence supporting the theory of evolution. Embryo: Organism in the earliest stages of development. They are different from the adult form of the organism Embryological Similarities: Comparison of the similarities between the embryological development of different species. Pg. 65
Guess The Embryo Game!
Patterns of Embryological Evidence: 1. Many embryos of different species grow and develop the same structures at the same stage in development. 2. The more closely a species is related to another, the more similar their embryological development is. 3. The similarity in embryological development of species points to evidence of descent from a common ancestor. Summary:
Embryo Puzzle *Assemble the embryos in the order that they think they go in. Each organism has 3 stages. *Check your results and pull out the ones you got incorrect. *Answer the analysis questions using complete sentences and good grammar. Pg. 64