Writing an introduction Essay writing
introduction The first paragraph of your essay is the INTRODUCTION. The INTRODUCTION should briefly explain what you are going to say. It must directly address the essay question and then concisely introduce your main paragraph topics.
Introduction example The song ‘Love Story’ by Taylor Swift is an excellent example of how poetry techniques are used within lyrics. It is a ballad and relies on techniques such as metaphor and imagery to convey the story of the relationship being told in the song. This song is very popular and it is due to these techniques that help Taylor’s meaning to be understood by those hearing her story.
Writing a conclusion Essay writing
conclusion The CONCLUSION is a brief summary of all the points raised in the MAIN BODY of the essay. You should never introduce any new ideas that you haven’t already written about in the body of the essay in the CONCLUSION. The CONCLUSION should sum up what you have written and prove that you have answered the question.
Conclusion example Taylor Swift’s ‘Love Story’ is a song which appeals to many listeners as she has used many poetry techniques to express her meaning (General statement addressing essay question). Her choice to use a ballad style, her use of metaphors and imagery within the lyrics give the listener a deeper understanding of her writing (brief summary of content). She has told a story about a relationship between two people from meeting to getting married, a story which all listeners can understand due to her use of the Romeo and Juliet metaphor. ‘Love Story’ is a song which is enjoyed by many and the intentional use of these literary techniques has helped to make it so successful.
Proofreading to make it perfect Editing your essay Proofreading to make it perfect
Editing You must always read through your essay to ensure you have made no mistakes. Check your spelling, punctuation and grammar. Check your TEEL organisation of paragraphs to ensure that you haven’t missed an element. Make sure that your essay has a title which reflects its topic.
Editing process Editing process: Self edit your own work Have a peer edit your work Teacher edit of work Now you are ready to type up your final copy. Make sure that you edit your typing as well!