Welcome to y6 Tuesday 11th September 2018
A broad and balanced curriculum HOW DOES IT WORK IN Y6? A broad and balanced curriculum
What are the responsibilities and expectations? Attendance and punctuality is essential. 8:50 start. High standard of behaviour. Ready to learn – PE kit, water bottle etc. Prefect and House Captain roles. Revision is completed regularly and consistently. Good communication skills with peers and adults. Positive attitude to learning.
A word about social media
The SATS – a Celebration Week Beginning: Monday 13th May 2019.
How is it taught? What are the expectations? Reading How is it taught? What are the expectations?
five sessions a week are allocated for teaching reading through a skills-based approach. Guided reading. Teaching Assistants.
WHAT ARE THE EXPECTATIONS WHAT ARE THE EXPECTATIONS? Most pupils should be able to read fluently and pronounce unknown words confidently. Children should be reading a wide variety of texts for pleasure and finding information. AIM FOR 30 MINUTES A DAY. Skills: Pupils should be able to find evidence in a text to justify their answers and opinions. Making inferences about characters and be able to summarise what they have read. Children should be able to predict what might happen in a story using evidence from the text.
1 hour – 36 questions. 3 different texts. Not a memory test!! Reading 1 hour – 36 questions. 3 different texts. Not a memory test!!
RWI – 20 mins every day. Spellings go home on a Friday and tested on a Friday. Spellings differentiated. Spelling pack – Includes the y3 – y6 key word list. Support in spelling.
Convenience Pronunciation Committee Desperate Appreciate Sufficient Privilege Conscience Conscious Prejudice
Spelling, grammar and punctuation
WRITING Working Below Expectation Working At Expectation Working Above Expectation
Maths 3 papers. Wednesday and Thursday. Paper 1 – Arithmetic Paper – 30 minutes – Approx 36 questions Paper 2 – Reasoning Paper – 40 minutes – no calculator or tracing paper allowed – Approx 20 questions Paper 3 – Reasoning Paper – 40 minutes – no calculator or tracing paper allowed – Approx 20 questions
EXAMPLES OF MATHS QUESTIONS Arithmetic Paper: 472 – 9, 1.28 x 100, 20% of 1 500; 58 x 34; 17 x 2 and a half. Reasoning Paper: What is 333 minutes in hours and minutes? Here is a number written in Roman Numerals: CXVI. Write the number in figures. One gram of gold costs £39.24. What is the cost of half a kilogram of gold. Two decimal numbers add together to equal 1. One of the numbers is 0.004. What is the other number?
The results – Scaled Scores Raw Score. From the raw score, you will get a scaled score which will be worked out on a conversion table. A scaled score of 100 means that your child is working at the national standard. You will have confirmation that your child is or is not working at the national standard. We will be able to provide you with more detail through our assessment and tracking system in school, for example, if your child has been working above national standard or they are working towards national standards.
What’s new and exciting about being in y6?
A Few Other Exciting Opportunities Robinwood; Liaison with St. Edmund Arrowsmith; Homework Club – Starting in January – Every Monday and Wednesday from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.; Extra-Curricular Opportunities; Induction Days; Bikeability; Prefect and House Captain Roles; SATs Week Breakfast Club; Leavers’ Trip, Mass and Production; Let’s Sing.
How can you support at home? * Encourage healthy learning habits e.g. independent learning, support in completion of homework, little often is more productive, regular sleep, water, diet & exercise *Ensure every piece of homework is completed to a high standard. (initial your child’s homework at the end to acknowledge your child’s effort and ability) *Read, read and read again with your child! (development of vocabulary) *Use of My Maths resources which school subscribes to enabling access for your child. *Use of revision books and websites.
High School Applications You can apply now for your child’s high school place online; The closing date is: 31st October 2018; On Wigan Council’s Website, there is a very useful document. From our past experiences: – Keep verification emails and receipts safe. If applying in paper form, hand over the application to the correct personnel. You are strongly advised to complete a supplementary faith form, if applying for St. Edmund Arrowsmith or another Catholic High School. Usually handed back to school.
And Finally… Thank you for your continued support. Please speak to us if you have any concerns and likewise, we will do the same.