Suppression In Alaska DM 620- Designation of suppression responsibility from DOI (BLM) Master Agreement , AOP , AIWFMP Jurisdictional FMO: Bureau of Indian Affairs Fish and Wildlife Park Service BLM (ANCSA)
FULL FIRE MANAGEMENT OPTION PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS - FULL OPTION The Full Management Option provides for protection of moderately populated areas, cultural and paleontological sites, developed recreational facilities, physical developments, administrative sites and cabins, structures, high-value natural resources, and other high-value areas. Structures on or eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places and non-structural sites on the National Register are placed within this category. Either broad areas or specific sites qualify to be designated as Full. (See Site Protection Designations 3.3) The long range effects on fire-dependent ecosystems are a land management consideration when designating Full at the landscape scale. The attempt to exclude fire may necessitate implementing vegetation (fuels) management programs.
The Alaska Interagency Coordination Center (AICC) is the Geographic Area Coordination Center for Alaska. AICC serves as the focal point for initial attack resource coordination, logistics support, and predictive services for all state and federal agencies involved in wildland fire management and suppression in Alaska. In addition, AICC is the focal point for coordinating and providing support for all-hazard emergency response activities for federal landholding agencies in Alaska and for providing support to Alaska BLM for non-emergency resource activities.
Regional Fire Management Officer Alaska Bureau Of Indian Affairs Jason (Jake) Dollard Regional Fire Management Officer Alaska Bureau Of Indian Affairs P.O. Box 21647 Juneau, AK 99802-5520 (d) (907) 586-7404 (c) (907)209-0105