Sea Beast Fight! Take away peace! Killed! Come back to life! Measured! Speak out! 2
The 2 Witnesses Rev.11 Secular/Religious (Anti-Papal) 3 ½ days (105yrs) 312AD 1572AD 1685AD 1260yrs 1598AD Rev.11:3 Rev.12:6 Edict of Nantes Revocation of Edict of Nantes (Witnesses suffer extreme political death) Rev. 11:7-9 Woman & Earth Massacre St Bartholomew's day (slaying of witnesses began) Rev.11:7
Death of the Witnesses 1685 - 1789 Rev. 11:9-11 Die politically. - 3 ½ days later they are raised politically. Note V2 ‘Forty Two Months.’ 3 ½ days = 105yrs. Bodies remained in a state of non decay. Could not therefore be called a death of 105 days. 1685 - 1789 Decorum of the symbol requires another solution! Days = Lunar days (ie. time it takes for the moon to revolve once around the earth. = 30 of our days.) Summary. 1 Lunar day = 30 of our days. 3 ½ Lunar days x 30 = 105days = 105yrs.
The 2 Witnesses Rev.11 Secular/Religious (Anti-Papal) 3 ½ days (105yrs) 312AD 1572AD 1685AD 1789AD 1260yrs 1598AD “ The Huguenots, though no longer permitted to exist as a state within a state, remained for the hundred years between the revocation of the Edict of Nantes and the outbreak of the French revolution a powerful and ever-watchful body” Belloc, The French Revolution, p,231 Rev.11:3 Rev.12:6 Edict of Nantes Woman & Earth Massacre St Bartholomew's day (slaying of witnesses began) Rev.11:7
Established in 1302, the Estates-General was a French legislative body comprising members of three groups, or estates of society: clergy, nobility, and commoners. Convened on May 5, 1789, by King Louis XVI, at the Palace of Versailles, in a desperate attempt to stave off civil unrest. However, the Estates-General voted to make itself a permanent National Assembly.. 4
1789 New National Assembly published decree proclaiming liberty of opinions. (religious and political) Rev.11:11-13 “Property of exiled Huguenots unsold at that date should be restored to rightful heirs.” “……they stood on their feet…” v.11 5
“Go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God” 1 2 3 4 5 6 Trumpets 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Vials 7 Judgement on Christian Rome Judgement on Catholic Europe Rev.8 & 9 Rev.16 The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly. Rev.11:14 30yrs! 188yrs! AD 1789 – AD 1820 Armageddon 6
The Kingdom and the vials 16 times Ch.3. = 1 time Ch.7. = 1 time Ch.11. = 4 times Ch.15. = 4 times Ch.16. = 2 times Ch.21. = 2 times Ch.14. = 2 times And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and no man was able to enter into the temple, til the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled. The more difficult and perplexing the times became; the more frequent the reference to the end of the saints trials. 15:8 Vials of the wrath of God Prophecies of the Last Days 7
What will happen! "Great and Marvellous are thy works" Way it will Redeemed rejoicing with the Lamb on a glassy sea What will happen! "Great and Marvellous are thy works" The end picture first ! Seven angels go out to perform the work spelt out in detail in Ch16. Way it will happen! 8
"Great and Marvellous are thy works" Thy ways! A sign that would herald the rise of the Apostacy through the coming of the man child Constantine 1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; …………... 3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; ………… Revelation 12:1,3 A sign that would herald the rise of the Ecclesia through the coming of Christ The sign! 9
"Great and Marvellous are thy works" ? Must see ourselves involved in the work! Why use these 8 verses to set the scene for Ch.16 Ch.22:9 Ch.21:9 Ch.17:1 Ch.16 began over 200yrs ago! 10
"Great and Marvellous are thy works" 2 And I saw ……………….. them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God. 11