Course fees: £120 for nurses; £150 for doctors. STOKE BASIC COURSE Basic Assessment & Support in Intensive Care Course Dates: 2nd and 3rd April 2019 Venue: Clinical Education Center, Royal Stoke University Hospital ST4 6QG. Internationally renowned 2 day comprehensive intensive care course which includes Lectures and hands on skill stations. Manual and CD-ROM. Faculty of experienced intensivists. Topics include: Mechanical ventilation- Basics, Modes of ventilation, Troubleshooting, Ventilation in Asthma and ARDS; Metabolic problems, Trauma and Head injury amongst other core ICU topics. Lunch and refreshments for both days Further information about the course: Suited for Foundation doctors with an interest in a career in an acute medical specialty. Core trainees in Medicine, Anaesthesia, Acute Medicine and ACCS. ICU, HDU, SSCU, Recovery nursing staff. Doctors starting their career in Intensive care or anyone wishing to gain practical knowledge of some of the core ICU topics Interested applicants - please email: (We will forward the application form and payment information on receipt of email) Course fees: £120 for nurses; £150 for doctors.