Bermuda Institute Survey of Parents Center for Creative Ministry for the Bermuda Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Source of Data Each family with children enrolled at Bermuda Institute was given a questionnaire that had been designed specifically for this study. A total of 97 usable questionnaires were returned, a response rate of about 50 percent. At the 95th percentile of reliability, the standard allowance for sampling error is ten percentage points, plus or minus.
Religious Background
Age by Generation Median age for Adventists is 55 and 37 for the nation of Bermuda.
Marital Status
Ethnic Background
Citizenship at Birth
Overall Quality of Education Provided at Bermuda Institute
There is no difference between B.I. and the other schools in Bermuda.
Evaluation of Bermuda Institute
Evaluation of B.I. continued
Do you plan to send your younger children to Bermuda Institute?
How important is it for your children to go to an Adventist school?
What schools did you attend? The majority of Adventist parents have not attended an Adventist school themselves, and less than one in four have attended an Adventist boarding Academy. The sub-samples of the various categories in response to this question are so small as to make it impossible to identify reliable demographic segmentation. Adventist parents today are more likely to have attended an Adventist school than were Adventist parents two decades ago. Today’s parents are also much more likely to have attended college than are Adventist parents in 1987. The increase in higher education among parents explains, in part, their more critical and negative attitude toward church-related schools. They are more savvy customers than the parents of two decades ago.
What would be a reasonable yearly charge for tuition at B.I.?
How much are you prepared to pay for your child at B.I.?
Would you be willing to pay a higher tuition if improvements were made?
What improvements would need to be made?
Should Bermuda Institute provide a preschool program?
Must find more financial aid so more students can attend B.I.
Must provide transportation so more students can attend B.I.
Center for Creative Ministry Project Team Paul Richardson, executive director Monte Sahlin, primary analyst Carmen Rusu, project coordinator Norma Sahlin, research assistant Petr Cincala, data processing 800.272.4664 © 2007, Center for Creative Ministry and Bermuda Conference of Seventh-day Adventists