ISLSWG workshop, Turin 18 – 19 May 2015 Multi-scale approach as a prerequisite for modeling bioregenerative LSS: MELiSSA approach Structure of the presentation: Introduction: MELiSSA loop – review Mechanistic models: what it is? How it compares to empirical model? Mechanistic model of plants for the HPC L. Poulet, J.-P. Fontaine, C.-G. Dussap ISLSWG workshop, Turin 18 – 19 May 2015
MELiSSA Loop - Brief description of compartments - MELiSSA loop fluxes must be controlled to provide an adequate environment for each compartment. - Must be based on known mechanisms and validated equations (Mechanistic models) which could predict the outputs knowing the inputs. - The constraints on the compartments should be studied in order to control the flux exchanges within the loop. - MELiSSA: biochemical & genetics understanding -> Higher plant model must be compatible with this approach
Functions of cultivar, light, RH, T°, etc. MELiSSA Approach 5 output variables: O2 release CO2 fixation Dry mass quantity Dry mass composition Water transport Needed to get information on mass & energy fluxes on an overall scale Functions of cultivar, light, RH, T°, etc.
Mechanistic vs. Empirical Plant Organs Tissues Whole-plant variables Extra variables Integration synthesis Analysis reduction Level i Level i-1 Empirical modeling Mechanistic modeling Mechanistic vs. Empirical Mechanistic vs empirical => Description vs comprehension Mechanistic - Many levels: Crop, plant, organs, tissues, cells, organelles, macromlecules, molecules and atoms - Understand & describe the ith level which has some unserstanding&mechanism at lower levels Deterministic control strategy Mathematical mechanistic model -> Elementary phenomena vs empirical approach derived from the physics and chemistry governing the process. Systemic aproach of complex systems with feedback loops Phenomena from molecular to system level Elemental scale and then integration Source: Thornley and Johnson, 1990
Mechanistic model Pros Cons More phenomena studied More possibilities for manipulating & improving system Identifying knowledge gaps Stimulation of new ideas for experimental approaches Many assumptions might induce less good fit of data Not always practically feasible (time and costs) - Not always applicable when process not well known and equations cannot be solved Inspired from Thornley and Johnson, 1990 and Mark J. Willis & Ming T. Tham, Advanced Process Control, Newcastle University, 2009
Higher Plant Compartment Higher Plant Chamber, MELiSSA Pilot Plant, Barcelona Example of HPC Mechanistic modeling approach of HPC starts with mechanistic modeling of plant growth in reduced gravity environment. Plants for the MELiSSA loop: bread wheat, durum wheat, soybean, potato, rice, lettuce and root beet
Processes within a plant Light Atmosphere Water + minerals Temperature Photoperiod Development, Architecture & Morphology Storage Growth Respiration Photosynthesis Light interception Gas exchange Root absorption Sap ascent Xylem Phloem Processes occurring within a plant during plant growth are complex and of multiple origin: morphology, physical, biochemical - Necessity to structure the model with modules representing the different processes => multi-scale model Processes in a plant. Source: P. Hezard
Mechanistic model of a plant Photosynthesis CO2 absorption Sugar production H2O evaporation O2 release Water transport Xylem: Water up Phloem: Sap down Xylem - Phloem Root zone Water & minerals absorption Gravitropism Respiration Growth: metabolic reactions Link to biomass Gravitropism effects Architecture Shape & structure Exchange surfaces Organ Cell Plant Environment Light flux Air: RH, O2, CO2, H2O Root zone: H2O, O2, minerals Physical Biochemical Morphological Leaf Stem Root Process Module Processes can be divided into 3 categories, corresponding to 3 different scales: Morphological processes linked to the plant scale: plant architecture and development Physical processes linked to the organ scale: this module can further be divided into 3 sub-modules corresponding to the leaf, the stem and the root. gas exchange during photosynthesis, light interception, water movements in the plant and root absorption Biochemical processes linked to the cell scale: metabolic reactions of plant growth A fourth big module is the one of the environment, interacting with the three others and changing accordingly. Equations to describe these phenomena are transfer laws, plant geometry and stoechiometry
Conclusion BLSS modeling in MELiSSA Example of Higher Plants Multi-scale approach – Mechanistic Necessity of understanding local phenomena Example of Higher Plants Multiple processes involved in plant growth Three main scales identified Physical, chemical and biochemical: ODEs, sequential simulation, etc.