Unit 3, Lesson 7: Percentage Composition
Percentage Composition of an Oreo Obtain an Oreo. Each Oreo is made up of COOKIE and FILLING. Using a balance, a plastic knife, and paper towel (to keep the cookie from directly touching the balance), calculate the percent of the Oreo that is made up of each component. You have 15 minutes to complete this challenge! 15 min
Percentage Composition How did you find the percentage composition of your Oreo? We can do the same thing with chemicals! Example: What is the percentage composition of CH4? 10 min
Your Turn! What is the percentage composition of H2SO4? What is the percentage of water in CuSO4·5H2O? 15 min
Homework: Pg. 91 #44-45 (a, c, e, etc.)