Marketing & Sales (“M&S”) Project Management Relationship with Marketing & Sales (“M&S”)
Project life cycle Advisability study Feasibility study Business case Charter Planning Execution Closure Budget Project supervision Schedule Project plan Plan implementation Scope Requirements Product creation Summary requirements Product launch
Involvement of M&S in a project Advisability study Feasibility study Business case Charter Planning Execution Closure Budget Project supervision Schedule Project plan Plan implementation Scope Requirements Product creation Summary requirements Product launch
PM-M&S cooperation M&S / Product manager Project manager
Defining the requirements (1)
Defining the requirements (2)
Keeping up with the project
Selling the product (1)
Selling the product (2)
Explaining the product
Supporting the product
Testing the product
Packaging the product
Describing the product (1)
Describing the product (2)
Providing website content (1)
Providing website content (2)
Promoting the product