0332 – Impact of combining the Entry and Exit Capacity credit processes Chris Shanley
0332 Removal of a users ability to allow Quarterly NTS Entry Capacity to lapse Modification Proposal 0332 was discussed at the October Transmission Workstream 0332 has been amended to reflect discussions at October Workstream and other feedback received NTS were also asked to consider the implications of looking at a User’s exit and entry capacity credit position at the same time and to present back to the November Workstream
Combining exit and entry credit checks – NTS Analysis Analysis has been carried out to assess the impact of combining the entry and exit credit processes Estimated Exit Capacity Charges 2012/13 Current entry capacity charges The revised level of credit has been calculated in accordance to Section V (exit capacity credit process). Results are a rough estimate
Analysis Results 44 active Entry Shippers 2 Shippers will be affected by exit reform and required to provide additional credit/security to National Grid NTS 4 Shippers (9%) would be required to provide extra credit/security if the 2 credit processes were combined £14.75m in total* Is there a benefit of combining the 2 credit processes? * The cost of providing this additional credit/security depends on which tools are used by the affected shippers