AP United States History Unit 6 The Gilded Age AP United States History Unit 6
Railroads (ca. 1900)
Miles of Railroad in the U.S. Growth of the Railroad Year Miles of Railroad in the U.S. 1830 23 1850 9,000 1870 53,000 1890 164,000 1910 240,000 Today 140,490
Route of the First Transcontinental Railroad
Promontory Point
Individual’s Wealth as Percentage of Budget How Rich is Rich? Individual Wealth Federal Budget Individual’s Wealth as Percentage of Budget Carnegie $840 million $1 billion (1890) 84% Rockefeller $900 million 90% Gates $50 billion $3.1 trillion (2009) 1.6% Buffett $40 billion 1.3%
Child Labor
American Federation of Labor (AFL) Knights of Labor (KofL) Labor Union “Formula” Membership + Goals/Tactics = Results Which union? Skilled laborers Limited membership (white, native-born men) Modest goals (small wage increases, reduced hours, improved conditions) Mild tactics More likely to: gain and keep member achieve goals earn acceptance from public survive American Federation of Labor (AFL) Samuel Gompers Unskilled laborers Open membership (immigrants, blacks, women) Ambitious goals (8-hour-day, end to child labor, end of trusts) Stronger tactics (real or perceived) lose members be perceived as radical/dangerous fail and fade away Knights of Labor (KofL) Terence Powderly
Knights of Labor Terence V. Powderly
American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompers
Great Railroad Strike (1877)
Federal troops put down the Great Railroad Strike
Haymarket Square Riot (1886)
Homestead Steel Strike (1892) Henry Clay Frick
Pullman Strike (1894)
Cleveland on the Pullman Strike If it takes the entire army and navy to deliver a postal card in Chicago, that card will be delivered!
The Pinkertons