2009 IECC – Residential Energy code Training Introductions Acknowledgements
Summary of Changes Windows U-0.35 Basement Walls R-10 to Frost Line Slab Insulation – R-10 Recessed Lights – Air Tight and IC rated Ducts in Unconditioned Space Supply Ducts in Attics R-8 All Other Ducts R-6 Attic insulation at extends to outside edge of top plate R-30
Summary of Changes Duct systems that extend into unconditioned space must be visually inspected (mastic) or tested for leakage. Air tightness of the building must be visually inspected or tested. Access hatches and doors to unconditioned spaces must be insulated and weatherstripped.
Summary of Changes Fireplaces must have gasketed doors and outside combustion air. Using the Performance Option the efficiency of the HVAC system is not considered. The building envelope annual energy use must be equal to a building meeting the prescriptive requirements.
Definitions Conditioned Space: An area or room within a building being heated or cooled, containing uninsulated ducts, or with a fixed opening directly into an adjacent conditioned space. INSTRUCTOR: Chapter 2 has 3 pages of definitions that explain terms which are particularly relevant to this code. Definitions can also be found in the IRC and IBC, if you don’t find what you’re looking for here. These should all match up between codes (no conflicting definitions). We’ll cover some definitions over the course of the day, but I’m going to go over just a few terms for you here that pertain to conditioned space and the building envelope enclosing it. Let’s start with “conditioned space”. (Read Definition on slide) This includes space that has heat and/or cooling supplied to it Any space with uninsulated ducts is also included (e.g. ducts have to be insulated in attics is you want to that to be considered unconditioned space) This illustration shows how the conditioned space may fit within the building envelope (conditioned space is shown here as the space enclosed by the red dashed line) DETAIL:
Definitions Building Thermal Envelope: The basement walls, exterior walls, floor, roof, and any other building element that enclose the conditioned space. This boundary also includes the boundary between conditioned space and any exempt or unconditioned space. Building Thermal Envelope Conditioned space attic INSTRUCTOR: The boundary that encloses the “conditioned space” is called the “building thermal envelope” (shown here by the red dashed line) (Read Definition on slide) DETAIL:
Building Thermal Envelope Components: Fenestration Windows, doors, skylights Ceilings Walls Above grade Below grade Mass walls Floors Slab Crawl space INSTRUCTOR: Most of the IECC requirements for residential buildings are for the building thermal envelope and its various components (Read Slide) DETAIL:
The Building Envelope Can Be Deceiving INSTRUCTOR: Sometimes the envelope not easy to understand. This is a picture of an addition built-over a garage. The thermal envelope includes the floor over unconditioned space (garage), and the exterior walls. Mention that in a garage you need to deal with insulating the stairwell between conditioned and unconditioned space DETAIL:
STAIRCASE WALLS Carefully consider how to define the thermal envelope with an unconditioned basement or attic in the area surrounding the stairs Staircases adjoining exterior walls, garages, or attics need complete air barriers throughout the framed assembly. A common area missing an air barrier at staircase walls occurs at small areas under enclosed landings or bottom stairs. Once framed, staircases can be difficult to complete with insulation and air barriers so it is important to coordinate details with the framing subcontractor. Notes: Door to unconditioned space: insulated, weather stripped Wall to unconditioned space: insulated and sealed on all 6 sides Area above the stairs: insulated same as floor Not required with conditioned basement.
Will there be an HVAC system in the attic and will there be insulation on the ceiling? Performance vs Prescriptive Where and how the thermal barrier will be established (insulation location) Where or how the air barrier will be established (insulation type) Details of meeting Prescriptive requirements, such as ceilings without attic spaces
What sub-contractor will be responsible for what job function Insure all mandatory provisions are met Provide blueprints with all insulation levels, window and door U-factors specified If blueprint includes insulated area square footage it will simplify calculations Areas should be provided for every unique external condition, such as walls next to an unconditioned attic. Estimated air leakage rate
Foundation Contractor
Slab-on-grade floors R-10 (typically 2 inches) insulation in Zone 4 Downward from top of slab a minimum of 24” Insulation can be vertical or extend horizontally under the slab or out from the building (must be under 10 inches of soil), Can be angled at edge of slab Slab-edge insulation may be installed vertically or horizontally on the inside or outside of foundation walls. If installed vertically, it must extend downward from the top of the slab to the top of the footing. If installed horizontally, it must cover the slab edge and then extend horizontally (to the interior or exterior). Benefits of slab edge insulation; comfort, moisture mitigation, etc. KY Amendments were R-4 Slab edge floors with a floor surface < 12” below grade.
Foundation: Typical Slab Installation Construction method used in some locations. How to insulate the top edge internally?
Foundation: Typical Slab Installation Local option allowed Construction method used in some locations. Add taper to top of slab
Needs to know Will there be an HVAC system in the attic and will there be insulation on the ceiling? must build platform and insulation dam Where blocking is needed for air barrier Kneewall Cantilevered floors Bonus room over garage Foam strip needed under wall plate
HVAC Platform Extension added to ceiling joists to allow the depth of insulation need to provide an R-38 or R-30, total height of 10 to 12 inches.
Attic Insulation Dam
Corner Framing to Allow Insulation
Ladder Framing to Allow Insulation No insulation possible Insulation without bridging Insulation with some bridging Insulation without bridging
Insulated Header 2x Member ½” Rigid Insulation 2x Member
Framer - Air Leakage Control Rim Board Glue or Foam Strip Glue or Foam Strip Glue Glue Foam Strip
Preparing for Insulation
Kneewall Blocking
Kneewall Blocking Unconditioned Space Conditioned Space Unconditioned
Kneewall Blocking
All walls must have 6 solid side, top, bottom, front, back No top plate 2x4 Flat – How to insulate???
Cantilevered Floor Blocking Who does what, when? Ductwork in cavity must maintain R value
Dropped Soffit – Framer Interior Wall Exterior Wall v Must be insulated before soffit installation
Dropped Soffit – Air Sealer Interior Wall Exterior Wall Must be insulated before air barrier installation
Skylight Air Barrier
Fireplace Wall Air Barrier Must be insulated before air barrier installation
GARAGE BAND JOIST AIR BARRIER Incorrect Correct Sealing the garage completely from the conditioned areas of the house is important from both an energy perspective because it can be a major source of heat gain and heat loss, and a health perspective due to common pollutants from car exhaust and stored materials. When the garage is attached to the house, the gaps created by joists spanning both conditioned space and the garage must be blocked off and sealed. Creating air barriers to close gaps between the garage and the conditioned space can become increasing difficult to construct as the joists become more irregular at their cross section. This is particularly true for I-joists and web-trusses. A simple solution is to plan ahead and align the end of joists with the wall adjoining the conditioned space to allow for end blocking. Filler blocking much simpler shape with dimensional lumber Filler blocking much harder shape with Engineered lumber Two types of joist-gaps created between garage and conditioned space.
Air Blocking and Insulation Behind Tub or Shower Must be insulated before air barrier installation
Air Blocking Needed for Fire Code
Needs to insure Needs to do normally Exterior walls are insulated and an air barrier installed prior to installing tubs or showers on exterior walls Needs to do normally R-2 insulation on a circulation hot water system with automatic or manual switch to turn off system when not in use (cost factor in bid)
Air Blocking and Insulation Behind Tub or Shower Must be insulated before air barrier installation
Needs to do normally Provide IC airtight rated recessed lights installed to manufacture’s specifications Prescriptive - 50% or more of permanently installed lighting be high-efficacy Compact fluorescent lamps, T-8 or smaller diameter linear fluorescent lamps
Recessed Lighting Fixtures Type IC rated, and labeled with no penetrations between the inside of the recessed fixture and ceiling cavity (sealed and caulked) Sealed with a gasket or caulk between housing and wall or ceiling covering Type IC rated, in accordance with ASTM E 283 to be an “Air-Tight” enclosure INSTRUCTOR: When installed in the building envelope, recessed lighting fixtures shall meet all these requirements [Read Slide] IC means “insulated contact.” Another designation label you might encounter is Air-Lok. The current KY code allows use of sealed fixtures, or the option to enclose in a fire-proof box and seal – so this is a small change for KY. Can avoid this requirement by installing cans in dropped soffit i.e. within the conditioned space.
Prescriptive Requirements Lighting Equipment Applies to lamps in permanently installed lighting fixtures Requires 50% to be high-efficacy Compact Fluorescent T-8 Linear Fluorescent Lamps with a minimum efficacy of 60 lumens per watt (for lamps > 40 watts) 50 lumens per watt (for lamps < 15 watts) 40 lumens per watt (for lamps fr0m 15 to 40 watts) 50% High-efficiency lighting can be covered by screw-in compacts. For hard-wired fixtures only; not task lighting. Applies to interior and exterior
HVAC Contractor
Needs to know Location of the thermal envelop Is the house meeting energy by Performance certification Insulation levels including windows and doors on blueprint for load calculations The estimated air leakage rate
Needs to provide Estimated duct leakage rate Heating and cooling load calculation using Manual J or approved software R-8 supply ducts in unconditioned attic unless house is Performance Certified then R-6 R-6 for all other ducts in unconditioned spaces Sealed duct work that can pass duct test and meet estimate used for load calculations
Needs to provide (continued) One programmable thermostat Heat pump control to prevent backup heat operation in mild weather R-3 insulation on all piping carrying fluids over 105°F or under 55°F
Mandatory Requirements Controls Programmable Thermostat At least 1 thermostat for each separate heating and cooling system. Programmable thermostat required when forced-air furnace is primary heating system Heat Pump Supplementary Heat Controls for heat pumps with supplementary heat INSTRUCTOR: The control requirement is for programmable thermostats and heat pump supplementary heat. At least one thermostat needs to be provided for each separate heating and cooling system For Heat pump supplementary heat: heat pumps having supplementary electric resistance heat shall have controls that, except during defrost, prevent supplemental heat operation when the heat pump compressor can meet the heating load.
Mandatory Requirements Ducts All ducts, air handlers, filter boxes… used as ducts must be sealed Locate All Ductwork in Conditioned Space OR IF ANY DUCTWORK IS IN UNCONDITIONED SPACE… Duct testing must be performed on the system or INSTRUCTOR: All ducts, air handlers, filter boxes, and building cavities used as ducts must be sealed and joints and seams must comply with Section M1601.4.1 of the IRC. Essentially all ductwork needs to be tested to the standard unless it’s IN the conditioned space. DETAIL:
Duct Systems Air Sealing INSTRUCTOR: Here are a few more pictures demonstrating proper duct sealing as well as on the air handler …properly sealed and installed, minimizing major bends where unnecessary
Non-Compliant No return boot through floor. Consumer duct tape used on duct system INSTRUCTOR: There are often OBVIOUS duct issues. Wall return with electrical penetrations Duct tape and zip tie does not comply with the code. Engineered joist return unsealed due to I-beam shape. Square insert does not seal I-joist
Mandatory Requirements Ducts Seal all ducts, air handlers, filter boxes, and building cavities used as ducts. Seal and securely fasten all joints, transverse seams and connections with: welds gaskets mastics mastic-plus-embedded fabric systems tapes Unlisted duct tape is not permitted as a sealant on any metal ducts – must be UL-181 A/B listed Tapes and mastics used to seal ductwork shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 181 A or UL 181 B. Properly sealing ducts will ensure that the occupied spaces receive the correct amount of space conditioning and that the attic or crawlspace does not become conditioned space because of leaky ducts. Duct tape is not permitted as a sealant on any metal ducts This applies to supply and return air ducts plenums duct fittings dampers fans accessory air handling equipment and appliances
Mandatory Requirements Mechanical Ventilation and Equipment Sizing Ventilation Outdoor air intakes and exhausts shall have automatic or gravity dampers that close when the ventilation system is not operating Equipment Sizing Load calculations determine the proper capacity (size) of equipment Calculations shall be performed in accordance with ACCA Manual S and Loads from ACCA Manual J or other approved methods Equipment sizing is a direct reference to the IRC. Oversized equipment has a higher initial cost, a higher operating cost, provides less comfort, and the short-cycling reduces the equipment life expectancy. Any one of these is a good reason not to oversize. Heating and cooling system design loads for the purpose of sizing systems and equipment shall be determined in accordance with the procedures described in the ACCA Manual S & J or an equivalent computation procedure. Another option is the long-hand ASHRAE methodology, but most have access to multiple software packages that do this calculation.
Duct Insulation If ducts are NOT located within building thermal envelope: Supply ducts in attics: R-8 R-6 allowed with Performance option All other ducts: R-6 Building framing cavities shall not be used as supply ducts (return ducts still OK- but not recommended) R- 8 for all ducts outside envelope in attic R-6 allowed if in floor joists that simply don’t allow the room for R-8 No Trade offs allowed for duct insulation. Exception: - ducts completely inside the building envelope Building framing cavities shall not be used as supply ducts. 07 KRC allows R-4 everywhere. Flex duct R-value is labeled on duct; Duct wrap insulation has R-value on the material itself.
Two Options for Checking Duct Sealing Duct Leakage Test Duct Joint Inspection
Duct Tester
Needs to provide Certification that ducts meet Postconstruction minimum standard or To outside - 8 cfm per 100 ft2 of conditioned floor area serviced by that system OR Total - 12 cfm per 100 ft2 of conditioned floor area serviced by that system Certification that ducts meet Rough-in minimum standard Total - 6 cfm per 100 ft2 of conditioned floor area serviced by that system with air handler OR Total - 4 cfm per 100 ft2 of conditioned floor area serviced by that system without air handler
Duct Leakage Testing Options Duct Blaster Seal supply and return registers Pressurize to 25 Pascals Measures Total Leakage (12 cfm per 100 ft2 requirement) Combined with Blower Door to measure Leakage to Outside (8 cfm per 100 ft2 requirement) Subtraction (Can not measure Total Leakage) Pressurize to 25 Pacals Difference between reading with and without sealed registers is duct Leakage to Outside (Must meet 8 cfm option) Delta Q No commercial software available Subtraction includes leakage between register and carpet. Two systems: each must be taped and measured separately.
Duct Sealing Inspector
Inspection for duct sealing of the following: All joints sealed with mastic All joints must remain visable ??? Building Cavities used as return ducts
Insulation/Air Sealing Contractor
Needs to do normally Sealing of all penetrations through thermal envelop Air blocking for all insulation if not provided by framer Sealing around windows (air barrier must be provided) Batt insulation cut to fit around an items in cavity being insulated, wiring, pipes, etc
Air Sealing Air permeable insulation can not be used for air sealing
Mandatory Requirements Air Leakage 402.4.1 Building Thermal Envelope Requires the envelope to be sealed to limit air infiltration. Sealing methods between dissimilar materials should all for differential expansion and contraction. All sources of infiltration should be caulked, gasketed, weatherstripped, or otherwise sealed with an air barrier material, suitable film, or solid material. INSTRUCTOR: Air leakage control requirements received new emphasis in the 2009 IECC. Air leakage, or infiltration, occurs when outside air enters a house uncontrollably through cracks and openings. Properly air sealing such cracks and openings in your home can significantly reduce heating and cooling costs, improve building durability, and create a healthier indoor environment. The code calls for the envelope to be sealed and specifies all areas that need to be sealed to avoid infiltration. DETAILS:
Air Leakage Materials Selection Care must be taken on the selection and use of air sealing materials, such as caulk to insure they are appropriate for the application and applied in the appropriate manner.
Areas for Air Leakage (Infiltration) Need to be addressed Site-built windows, doors and skylights Openings between window/ door assemblies and their jambs/framing Utility penetrations Dropped ceilings /chases adjacent to the thermal envelope Knee walls INSTRUCTOR: There are several places where air leakage can occur: [Run down examples on the slide] DETAIL:
Areas for Air Leakage (Infiltration) Also… Walls/ceilings separating a garage from conditioned space Behind tubs and showers on exterior walls Common walls between dwelling units Attic access openings Rim joist junction INSTRUCTOR: [Run down examples on the slide] Remember that the quality of the seal is just as important as where it is going. DETAIL:
Air Barrier System Some is created by the required fire and smoke blocking. INSTRUCTOR Let’s take a look at a video demonstrating proper installation of an air barrier system to reduce air leakage. [Show video]
Batt Insulation is not an Air Barrier
Air Leakage Control Plumbing Pipes and Vents INSTRUCTOR: The checklist and section 402.4 covers important components for air sealing so in addition to the building envelope, let’s look at some of these other areas. All utility penetrations like plumbing pipes and vents require insulation around pipes as shown here.
Air Leakage Control Chimney Chases INSTRUCTOR: Chimney chases are often huge air leakage areas
Plumbing Services… INSTRUCTOR: Where pipes penetrate the building envelope, they need to be sealed. In addition, if you have a shower or tub on an exterior wall, it needs to have insulation and an air barrier separating them and the exterior wall.
Air Leakage Control Electrical penetrations INSTRUCTOR: Expanding foam can be used to seal an electrical penetration at the top plate as shown here. Note that all foam, sealants, and calk must be tested to ASTM 184 for fire rated assemblies. Foam sealant must be tested to ASTM 184 for use in fire-rated assemblies
Chimney Chase Air Sealing Flashing, caulk (possibly fire rated) at each side See IRC 1001.11 Rock wool with heavy duty aluminum foil rolled around it -- Caulk to chimney and framing INSTRUCTOR: (NEEDS CLARIFICATION) And those leaks can be sealed easily, in many ways; Seal a masonry chimney; Flashing – much as if it was exterior application Sealant Non-combustible materials and clearances essential.
Duct Penetrations… INSTRUCTOR: All HVAC ductwork needs to be sealed when passing through the building envelope.
Air Leakage Control Caulking Rim Board
Foundations Seal foundation penetrations! INSTRUCTOR: Foundations, Rim/Band Joist, and all service penetrations need sealing above grade and below grade too!
Identification Sec. 303.1.1 Building thermal envelope insulation – Insulation installers shall provide a certificate listing type, manufacturer and R-value INSTRUCTOR: Section 301.1 requires a certificate of insulation, such as this, is provided to the inspector. Installers must provide one listing the type, manufacturer, and R-value of insulation installed in each element of the building thermal envelope. For blown or sprayed insulation, the certificate should list the initial installed thickness, settled thickness, settled R-value, installed density, coverage area, and number of bags installed.
Identification Sec. 303.1.1.1 Blown or sprayed roof/ceiling insulation – Blown in attic floor insulation must have a depth marker for every 300 sq ft. throughout the attic space Note: Depth of blown insulation is not a good measure of proper insulation R-value because blown insulation can be fluffed. Blown insulation bags give the manufactures coverage for a desired R-value. INSTRUCTOR: [Read Slide] Markers need to be affixed to the trusses or joists and marked with the minimum installed thickness. Also, markers must face the attic access opening.
Identification Sec. 303.1.2 Insulation mark insulation – Insulating materials shall be installed such that the manufacturer’s R-value mark is readily observable upon inspection. INSTRUCTOR: [Read slide]
Insulation Installation Right Wrong Electrical Boxes “Cut-To-Fit!” Right Wrong For Wiring Insulation installation is also key While this is a bit objective, code officials should help assure that insulation is properly installed to Mfrs specs. Let’s look at the most prevalent wall insulation, fiberglass batt, and how too install properly Many homes are insulated with batt insulation Batt insulation needs to be properly fitted so that it contacts the wall cavity on all 6 sides, interfacing with the air barrier that will be discussed shortly.
Insulation Installation Note – this electrical BOX NOT properly cut around and fit by batt installaiton.
Insulation Installation Same – major insulation gap, boxes not cut around, batts not touching all sides evenly and major gapos and voids present.
Insulation Installation Also poor quality install – insulation batts just stuffed n cavity, losing full loft and insulation integrity
Insulation Installation NO GAPS! Look for potential gaps/ missing insulation like this batt cut too short.
Insulation Installation – Good Examples Much cleaner installation with few gaps Assumes an air barrier on the back side.
Knee Wall Insulation Discuss kneewall, air sealing, etc. It is very important that in kneewalls, an air barrier be established behind the wall insulation, to assure thermal and air barriers are aligned. Not shown here, but boardstock insulation or wallboard could be used.
Insulation Options for Eaves Wood-Framed Roof R-38 R-30 In stick-built roofs, where rafters and ceiling joists are cut and installed on the construction site, an additional top plate, which lays across the top of the ceiling joists at the eave, will prevent The raised top plate design also minimizes wind washing of the attic insulation. Wind washing occurs where air entering the soffit vents flows through the attic insulation. When installing a raised top plate, most framing crews also place a band joist over the open joist cavities of the roof framing. The band joists help prevent wind washing, which can reduce attic insulation R-values on extremely cold days and can add moisture to the insulation. Raised top plates also elevate the overhang of the home, which may enhance the building's attractiveness. The aesthetic advantage is especially useful in one-story homes with standard 8-foot ceilings.
Access Hatches and Doors Attic Hatches Air sealed & weatherstripped Same insulation level as floors around them Vertical “Hatches” (in Kneewalls) Also air sealed and insulation equal to wall insulation level. A new requirement in the 2009 IECC - Hatches R-value must be sealed and insulted to match surrounding insulation
Insulation Note: Above Grade Walls Insulate walls including those next to unconditioned spaces Insulation should not be compressed behind the wiring or plumbing; this reduces the R-value of insulation Be sure the insulation has filled the entire cavity, Batts that are cut too short will leave voids. For continuous insulation make sure there are no voids and the insulation is well bonded to the outside framing. Perimeter rim/band joists between floors must be insulated to WALL R-value While not a requirement, in some climates it is important to insulate exterior corners and on or in headers over doors and windows to eliminate heat transfer through the surfaces. Don’t forget to insulate rim/band joists
Floors Space can be an unheated basement, a crawlspace or outdoor air Insulation must maintain permanent contact with underside of subfloor Example of poor insulation job Space can be an unheated basement, a crawlspace or outdoor air Zone 4: R19 F This is a pretty weak installation job floor over unconditioned space like over crawlspace or unheated garage must be R-19
Basement Walls Zone 4: R10 (continuous) or R13 (cavity) - down to frost line Read slide for IECC proposed requirement In KY, this is currently R-4 down 2’ below grade 2011 KRC proposal is the same R-values, but ONLY down to frostline. Where 50% or more of a wall assembly is below grade (based on exterior surface area), the below-grade wall requirement from the Envelope Requirements may be used for the entire assembly. Below-grade wall insulation must extend from the top of the basement down to 10 feet below grade or to the basement floor, whichever is less. Walls associated with unconditioned basements must meet the requirements unless the floor above the basement is insulated accordingly.
Basement Walls – Good Examples Interior Studding Exterior Foam Can be done inside or out, outline various methods Advantages and disadvantages to both – explain On exterior, the insulation can be more continuous and part of the drainage plan, but needs to be covered for protection above grade. On the inside you lose the benefit of the thermal mass of the all, but it leads to easier finishing of the wall. Make this 2 slides and enlarge pictures. RM
Insulating Rim Board
Insulating Rim Board
Insulated Crawl Space Walls Crawl Wall Insulation: This practice eliminates the need for insulation in the raised floor above the crawl. Crawl space may not have ventilation openings to the outside Must be mechanically ventilated or supplied with conditioned air (1 cfm/50 sq. ft) Crawl floor must be covered with an approved vapor retarder material If mechanically ventilated, the crawl must be ventilated at 1 cfm per 50 sq. ft. Where the inside ground surface is 12 inches or greater below the outside finish ground level, insulation shall extend from the top of the wall to at least the inside ground surface. Where the inside ground surface is less than 12 inches below the outside finish ground level or the vertical wall insulation stops less than 12 inches below the outside grade, the insulation must extend vertically and horizontally a minimum of 24 linear inches from the outside grade level. Compare the R-value of the installed insulation against the plans. If the insulation is to be installed as part of the foundation form, the R-value should be verified prior to pouring the concrete. Ask for manufacturer’s literature if R-value is not printed on the insulation. Make sure the insulation is securely fastened to the foundation wall.
Crawlspace Wall Insulation If insulating crawlspace walls R-10/13 (same as basement wall requirement) Installing insulation on the inside surface of the foundation stemwall is common practice in many cold locations in the country. This practice eliminates the need to install insulation in the raised floor over the crawlspace. There are a few criteria that must be met in order to use this insulation method: The crawlspace may not have ventilation openings that communicate directly with outside air The crawlspace must be mechanically ventilated or supplied with conditioned air The crawlspace floor must be covered with an approved vapor retarder material. The IRC allows the construction of unventilated crawlspaces. To meet the requirements the crawlspace walls must be insulated to the R-value specified in the energy code. The crawlspace must either be provided with conditioned air or with mechanical ventilation. The code does not specify the quantity of conditioned air to supply the crawlspace. If mechanical ventilation is selected, the crawlspace must be ventilated at 1 CFM per 50 square feet. The ground surface must also be covered with an approved vapor retarder material. To eliminate moisture from the crawlspace the sill plate and perimeter joist must be sealed. Also, while not a code requirement, all joints in the vapor retarder should be overlapped and taped. This includes the connection between the vapor retarder and crawlspace wall. The code requires the crawl space wall insulation to extend from the top of the wall to the inside finished grade. If the inside grade is less than 12 inches (305 mm) below the outside finished grade or the vertical wall insulation stops less than 12 Nice Job!
Crawl Space Wall Insulation Here you see the crawlspace walls insulated with spray-on cellulose.
Vented Crawlspace Crawlspaces can either be conditioned – by insulting the walls, conditioning, and not venting to the exterior and adding floor vapor barrier. Or this can be unconditioned, and floor over the space can be insulated, as in last slide. Conditioning crawlspaces is showing up as the preferred method in KY; talk about advantages.
Insulation Installation Inspector
Inspection for proper insulation installation of the following: Continuous thermal barrier around conditioned space No gaps Not compressed – fills space Cut to fit around items in the cavity such as wiring, pipes, etc Insulation under a floor is supported to maintain contact with the floor
Inspection for proper insulation installation of the following: Blocking between conditioned and unconditioned spaces Cantilevered floor cavity Floor cavity of bonus room over garage Top plates exist Behind tubs and showers on exterior walls Common walls between dwelling units
Inspection for proper insulation installation of the following: Attic access cover Includes both access scuttle doors and pull down stairs Approximately 8 inches for rigid foam insulation for R-38 Platform provided to any equipment in unconditioned attic space
Drywall Contractor
Needs to do Normally Needs to know Construction details expected to reduce air leakage, such as: Top plate to drywall joint detail Needs to do Normally Carefully cut openings where needed Mud gaps where larger than necessary openings have been cut Especially true on any openings on the ceiling
Air Leakage Tester
Needs to provide Certification that the house air leakage meet the minimum standard 7 ACH50 maximum Measured air leakage with estimate of natural air leakage for minimum ventilation rate considerations
Blower Door Test (Testing Option) INSTRUCTOR: There are two options under the code to demonstrate air tightness. One is under the testing option (Sec. 402.4.2.1) which describes how to conduct a blower door test. The Blower Door test has become an important tool in building energy efficient homes and can help reduce air leakage – which alone can account for more than 1/3 of the total heat loss in a home. It’s a required test in ENERGY STAR homes to improve efficiency.
Air Leakage Inspector
Inspection for air sealing of the following: All joints, seams and penetrations Site-built windows, doors and skylights Openings between window and door assemblies and their respective jambs and framing Utility penetrations Dropped ceilings or chases adjacent to the thermal envelope
Inspection for air sealing of the following: Knee walls Walls and ceilings separating a garage from conditioned spaces Behind tubs and showers on exterior walls Common walls between dwelling units Attic access openings Rim joint junction Other sources of infiltration
Overview of Mandatory Compliance Requirements Prescriptive Requirements (sec. 402-404) Performance (sec. 405) Mandatory (sec. 301, 303, 401-403) REScheck Software (sec. 402.1.4 - UA Alternative) INSTRUCTOR: To comply with the IECC, there are a set of requirements that must be met in every project. Once those are met, the project can demonstrate code compliance through one of 3 paths 1– prescriptive (following specific requirements for components and systems) 2 – use of the REScheck software which is free and available from the U.S. Department of Energy (this program allows you to determine compliance following the UA alternative option) 3 – performance (“simulated performance alternative” where a proposed design is compared to a standard reference design) We’ll go through each of these paths in detail, but first we’ll cover the requirements which are mandatory. DETAIL: Mandatory Requirements Handout
Prescriptive Compliance Requirements (sec. 402-404) Performance (sec. 405) Mandatory (sec. 301, 303, 401-403) REScheck Software (sec. 402.1.4 - UA Alternative) INSTRUCTOR: Once mandatory requirements are met, many projects will comply with the code through the prescriptive compliance path (specific requirements for components and systems). Some builders prefer this approach because it is straight-forward. We’ll now go through requirements which are additional to the mandatory requirements we just covered if a building is following this compliance path. DETAIL:
Compliance using REScheck Software Prescriptive Requirements (sec. 402-404) Performance (sec. 405) Mandatory (sec. 301, 303, 401-403) REScheck Software (sec. 402.1.4 - UA Alternative) INSTRUCTOR: To comply with the IECC, there are a set of requirements that must be met in every project. Once those are met, the project can demonstrate code compliance through one of 3 paths – prescriptive (specific requirements for components and systems), performance (“simulated performance alternative” where a proposed design is compared to a standard reference design), or use of the REScheck software which is free and available from the U.S. Department of Energy. We’ll go through each of these paths in detail, but first we’ll cover the requirements which are mandatory. DETAIL:
U-Factor and Total UA Compliance Path (Enables REScheck Approach) Total UA Alternative Same as U-factor alternative but allows trade-offs across all envelope components Approach used in REScheck software U-factor table is for the entire assembly. R-value table is only for the insulation. UA Alternative – if the total bldg. thermal envelope UA (sum of U-factor x assembly area) is less than or equal to the total UA resulting from using the U-factor Table 402.1.3 (multiplied by the same area as in the proposed bldg.) the bldg. would be considered in compliance.
Simulated Performance Alternative Compliance Prescriptive Requirements (sec. 402-404) Performance (sec. 405) Mandatory (sec. 301, 303, 401-403) REScheck Software (sec. 402.1.4 - UA Alternative) INSTRUCTOR: To comply with the IECC, there are a set of requirements that must be met in every project. Once those are met, the project can demonstrate code compliance through one of 3 paths – prescriptive (specific requirements for components and systems), performance (“simulated performance alternative” where a proposed design is compared to a standard reference design), or use of the REScheck software which is free and available from the U.S. Department of Energy. We’ll go through each of these paths in detail, but first we’ll cover the requirements which are mandatory. DETAIL:
Simulated Performance Requires computer software with specified capabilities (local official may approve other tools) Compliance path allows greatest flexibility - credits such features as: Tight building envelope Tight ducts (must be leak tested) or hydronic systems Exterior shading, favorable orientation, thermal mass, SHGC, etc. The simulated performance alternative can be used for building designs that do comply with all the prescriptive requirements in Chapter 4 of the IECC. Under the simulated performance alternative, a “Proposed design” will comply with the code if the calculated annual energy cost is not greater than a similar building (the “Standard design”) designed in accordance with Chapter 4. The Proposed design uses the same energy sources, floor area, geometry, design conditions, occupancy, climate data, and usage schedule as the Standard design. Some energy-conserving strategies to improve the performance of the Proposed design include exterior shading of windows, passive solar design, thermal mass heat storage, improved thermal envelope, improved duct systems, reduced air infiltration, and high-efficiency heating, cooling, and water heating equipment.
Simulated Performance Alternative Analysis includes Proposed R-values/U-factors Solar Gain Various duct and distribution efficiencies Service Water Heating Infiltration Duct tightness Orientation Mandatory requirements still necessary Sections 401, 402.4, 402.5 and 403 Read from slide – The Performance Compliance elements covered and considered.
Simulated Performance Alternative Analysis limits on standard reference house Limits Widows area to a maximum 15% of condition floor area Uses standard efficiency HVAC equipment for both the houses Does not credit tight houses without mechanical ventilation Read from slide – The Performance Compliance elements covered and considered.
Calculation Procedure and Compliance Software Tools Proposed Design Energy Use of Proposed Design less than Energy Estimation Tool Standard Design Energy Use of Standard Design Energy for renewable (non-depletable) sources does not count Includes credit for renewable energy Non-depletable energy sources include energy derived from wind, waves, lake or pond thermal differences, internal heat of the earth How to account for non-depletable energy sources The energy from non-depletable energy sources can be deducted from the overall energy use of the proposed house by using the Chapter 4 - Systems Analysis approach. IN KY, Energy Raters using REMRate software will be the likely avenue used. Please provide a document that a building inspector might encounter as documentation on meeting this type of software. RM In KY – Most Likely Software Used will be REMRate (“Proposed Building meeting the energy code requirements”)
Unique Residence 1488 ft2, slab on grade, one story Walls = Block with R-3 on exterior Ceiling = R-38 Windows = U-0.35, SHGC-0.40 Slab = R-10 Air Leakage = 0.25 ACHn HVAC system in attic Duct leakage = 119 cfm (8 cfm per 100 ft2) Will it meet 2009 IECC?
Unique Residence Prescriptive – Fails Wall R below requirement UA Compliance - Passes 2009 Code = 320.7 As Designed = 311.6 Energy Cost Compliance - Fails 2009 Code = $1,728 As Designed = $1,766
HERS Rating Benefits Provides necessary inspections, insulation, and testing, blower door and duct leakage, to prove compliance with 2009 IECC Supported by many utilites Sales tool to demonstrate house’s energy efficiency Energy Smart Builder designation