STRONGER, FASTER, MORE POWERFUL Able to leap buildings with a single bound REVIEW OF DRILLS
STRONGER Train for strength suggestions; Heavy weights; 85% of 1rep max, 2-3 sets with 6 reps. Multi-joint exercises Examples; Power cleans, hang cleans, push press, push jerk w/barbell, dumbbell snatch from clean position. Others; squats, deadlifts, straight leg deadlift.
RESISTANCE TRAINING PHASES After a conditioning period of several weeks (3-4) using light weights (60-70% of 1 max. rep) Train for size. Use many sets, up to five, sets of 6-10 reps with 90 seconds rest between sets. After four weeks Train for strength use 70-85% of 1RM, 6-12 reps with 2-3 sets with rest intervals of 2-3 minutes.
POWER Add velocity and explosiveness to your training, power is the rate of doing work. Use plyometrics; Use skips and bounding; i.e. skipping for height, single leg hops, and double leg bounds A very simple and basic power exercise that can be done without equipment would be the double leg jump for height up stairs. Stand at the bottom of the stairs, jump as high as you can and then walk down. Do sets of 6-10, start with one set and increase to three.
POWER FOR THE UPPER BODY Medicine ball throws, for example the chest pass, the over head throw, overhead throw down. Squat and throw Bound forward and throw Skip forward and throw Work with a partner Do sets of 6-10 reps, do 3-5 sets
FASTER SPEED TRAINING FOR RUNNERS Maximum speed drills: 1. Hip mobility; (standing) dynamic flexibility drills. A. front side drill; hip flexion and knee flexion, B. backside; hip extension C. knee flexion, D. step over and claw h DRILLS; march, skip, and run; A'S knees up, B'S knees up skip with foreleg reach. KEYS; toe up, heel up, knee up, fast legs not high knee lift, emphasize front side drills. Note the following videos. March Drill h drill at jog or run Fast leg frequency series (see sprint and acceleration drills) SEE BELOW A. At a jog and at a run
OTHER SPEED DRILLS 30's from a fly, and from start. A. Sets of three, with incomplete recovery, do the third when not recovered from the first. speed endurance B. Sets of three with full recovery. Speed 60'S as above; sets of 3 with incomplete or full recovery. Varied speed drills , 30’s, accelerate 10m, fast 10m, float 10m, and fast 10m. Full recovery rest. Downhill runs; 60-100m from an acceleration and from fly start. Assisted runs: a. elastic towing; b. pulley harness, partner tows.
ACCELERATION DRILLS Maximum acceleration drills: Wall runs; fast legs 6-9 sec. (lean against wall with your hands, run in place) Straight leg shuffle; 6-12 sec, repeat sets of three Straight leg bounds; 6-12 sec. Start series; 4-8 fast steps (see start series below) A. Acceleration ladder drills; standing or crouch starts over ladder acceleration device. B. Towel drills; w/resistance of partner w/ towel. a. partner holds towel offers resistance for 4 steps, release and sprint; push, push, push. (10% resistance).
SPRINT DRILLS Sprint and acceleration drills; (concentrate on knee-up, heel up, toe up.) Frequency series at a jog or run Video; Frequency drill fast leg as you feel An example of frequency drills. Emphasize front side drills in these frequency drills. Jog + fast feet as you feel 3 step + fast left foot 3 step + fast right foot 2 step + alternate fast l/r Continuous fast left Continuous fast right Double fast feet as you feel 3 step + double fast left foot 3 step + double fast right foot 2 step + alternate double fast feet Series at a fast run; (acceleration) or sprint Repeat series above, same sequence but at very fast.
START SERIES Start series (without blocks) Concentrate on 4-8 fast legs as you run away from start emphasize knee up and arm back. 1) falling start 2) rolling start. Emphasize the falling start and rolling start w/o blocks. 3) touch down start 4) down to up start 5) 3 point start 6) four point start 7) jump start 8) quick steps start 9) resistance start (w/ a harness or towel) 10% resistance, concentrate on 4-8 fast legs and run up to tall. The following link includes examples of sprint drills, the h drills at a skip and run, as well as examples of of frequency drills.
A SAMPLE SPEED TRAINING SESSION A sample of a speed training session including a warm-up. Warm up jog 10-20 minutes; 4 x 60m-100m accelerations. h drills at a march, 3x 5m, at a run 3x10m (see above for h drills) Frequency series at a jog, fast feet as you feel. Three step left foot and 3 step left foot, 2-3x10m each Straight leg shuffle, 3 x 6 secs. Start series, (without blocks) falling start, 2x 10m, touch down start, 2 x 10m. Emphasize fast feet, run away from line. Starts with acceleration ladder 2x10m. Varied speed drills (see above), 3x30m. 3x60m at fast downhill, use curve of track from lane 8 to lane 1, full recovery walk after each.
SELF EVALUATION QUESTIONS Power is related to the rate of doing work, it involves strength and velocity. (t-f) When training for endurance use lighter weights with 1-3 sets. (t-f) When training for strength use resistance that is 85% of 1 rep max. (t-f) Plyometrics include bounding, skipping and throwing exercises. (t-f) Resistance training phases could include, training for endurance, strength and power. (t-f)