Chapter 2 The Planting of English America 1500 - 1733 Chapter 2 The Planting of English America
Roots of British Colonialization Protestant Reformation Competition with Spain Spanish Armada Growing Population Primogeniture Joint Stock Companies
Early Colonies Failed attempts Sir Humphrey Gilbert, 1580s z Early Colonies Failed attempts Sir Humphrey Gilbert, 1580s Roanoke, 1585 Jamestown, 1607 Virginia Company Charter – same rights as all Englishmen
Jamestown z Difficult start Almost all died through first few winters Disease, bad harvests, and unpreparedness, and difficult land Relationship with Natives John Smith and Pocahontas Trade Anglo-Powhatan Wars
New Life for Natives New Europeans led to z New Life for Natives New Europeans led to Migration, disease, and warfare New Trade Relationships Some attempt to find ways of staying strong/fighting back Absorbing other tribes Creating new alliances
Virginia and Tobacco John Rolfe, 1612 Perfected method of growing tobacco Demand grew beyond what could be grown Effects Took up most of open land Destroyed soil Plantation system grew Introduction of slavery – indentured servants African Slave trade House of Burgesses Worries James I – takes away charter once tobacco wealth begins to end
Other Southern Colonies z Maryland, 1634 Plantation colony Catholic refuge Act of Toleration, 1649 Break in colonization due to unrest in England Carolinas, 1670 Land given to friends of King Charles II South vs. North Carolina Georgia, 1733 Buffer colony Prison colony “Melting pot” Religious toleration Except for Catholics
Mercantilism Grow resources and only trade within one’s own colonies Growth of Plantation colonies Most closely tied to England Cash crop focused – tobacco and rice Slavery grew out of continued need for more labor Far more aristocratic than other colonies Exceptions – North Carolina and parts of Georgia Strict classes and hierarchy Economies intrinsically tied to trade with Britain
Rise of Slavery z British also colonized West Indies Sugar Cane - $$ Needed huge labor force Introduce African slavery As number of slaves grew – led to stricter rules and laws for slaves Barbados Slave Code
Is Virginia the Child of Tobacco? P