Elizabeth A time of stability
Elizabeth’s Rise to Power After Henry died, 9 year old Edward VI had the throne. He died at age 15 of tuberculosis Mary came to the throne and reigned for 5 years until she died of health problems—had Elizabeth locked in Tower of London Elizabeth comes to the throne—diplomatic, intelligent and shrewd
Peace and prosperity (like the picture) key to Elizabeth’s reign Tried to create a balance between Protestant and Catholics Funded explorations, which, in turn, brought back spoils of Spanish ships (Sir Francis Drake knighted for returning from Pacific with 1 million pounds of treasure) Spanish and French kings kept relatively stable in her promises to marry one of them (although, she ultimately claimed that she was married to the throne of England)
Spanish Armada Frustrated with England’s plundering of S. American settlements and ships, sent navy against England Smaller and more maneuverable ships—aided by a storm Helped cement Elizabeth’s authority
Elizabethan Literature Sir Philip Sidney—Renaissance--political savvy, military knowledge, charm Edmund Spenser—professional man, scholar “The Faerie Queen” dedicated to Queen Elizabeth 16th C poets—reforms to English poetry
Drama central to Elizabethan literary achievement Stems from traditions of morality, religious, miracle plays of medieval time period Provincial comedy Fusion of classical and native traditions Spoken English becomes widespread and excellent in dramatic situations
Tastes and Attitudes Combines old and new ideas Elaborate decoration & ornaments Artificial = positive Dress, gardens, music, poetry True order of universe ELIZABETHEN WORLD PICTURE: “CHAIN OF BEING” created by God All things exist within a category of the chain Helped to create a rich tapestry of symbolic relationships used in literature/philosophy
Humans are at the mid-point on the chain—lower than angels, higher than animals God at the top Organized by having spirit Metals—gold to lead Plants—rose=God Animals—lion to oyster