A Blueprint to safeguard Europe’s waters 2nd meeting of the ad-hoc expert group for the modelling 27/3/2012
Objectives of the meeting Present the state of play of model and scenarios development to support the Blueprint Communication Gather feed-back from the experts on the overall structure and assessment framework + fill the gaps in the dataset Detailed comments and contributions can be sent in written by Friday 13th April
Blueprint Problem Description Unsustainable trends in water resources use and availability Are we on track for achieving WFD objectives? How is the water gap evolving? Are water resources resilient against climate change, variability and other pressures? Barriers for implementing no-regret measures Conceptual/strategic Do we have the right indicators & targets? Technical / knowledge Do we know the costs, benefits and impacts of inaction and of measures? Financial Do we have the financial resources for the funding of measures? Regulatory Are (EU) policy instruments fit for purpose? Societal Are the objectives of water policy consistent with other objectives?
Policy scenarios assessment Ex-ante definition of contrasted scenarios based on a subset of measures, in order to assess main choices: Demand management vs Increasing availability Limits of an approach based on « decoupling » water consumption from economic activity Grey vs Green infrastructure Natural water retention artificial supply and storage Final set of scenarios based on optimization (from narrow economic perspective) Protection ecosystems as a constraint Environmental flow, N & P loads Ex-post assessment of scenarios Evaluation of ecosystem services provision, vulnerability, cross-sectoral impacts, food/energy nexus, etc. If possible within time framework of the blueprint Combined scenario, with optimization process including more components of social value of water
Vulnerability extreme events Water Efficiency Targets Baseline + variants Policy Scenarios GES Vulnerability extreme events Δ- Demand Δ+ Storage Δ+ Re-use Water Efficiency Targets Packages Barriers Integration Technical Financial Regulatory Measures costs Direct impacts Other impacts