Advanced Energy Vehicle Topics: Introduction, Design Review Phases, AEV Components, & Mission Concept Review
Introduction AEVs are small (< 500grams), autonomous, electric motor-powered, propeller-driven vehicles that are suspended from and maneuver along a monorail track systems hung from the laboratory ceilings Example AEV Introduce the concept of Advanced Energy Vehicles (AEVs), described above, and the design/build project. Refer to the Grand Challenges: Alternative energy sources, and the research and development to harness and use the energy efficiently is on the top of the list of the Grand Challenges for Engineers of the 21st Century – as determined by a committee of the National Academy of Engineering. The overall objective for the AEV design/build project is to introduce the students the concepts of energy efficiency and energy management through the team oriented multidisciplinary design and operation of a small autonomous vehicle. Three (3) awards are presented for BEST ENGINEERED, MOST INNOVATIVE, and BEST PROJECT DOCUMENTATION.
Project Objectives Project Management and Teamwork Time management, task scheduling, communication, etc. Design Process and Cycle Indentifying requirements/constraints, brainstorming, initial designs, build/test/analyze, final design, etc. Project Documentation Project notebook, design review phase documents, final reports, extra credit video, etc. There are three (3) main objectives to the AEV project. Each are discussed in the following slides. Additional details can be found in the Project Description Document.
Project Management and Teamwork To successfully bring any complex project to completion requires proper planning and the coordinated effort of a group of people Expected to produce related documents such as a project schedule and team meeting records, all of which must be regularly updated and kept in the team project notebook (discussed next week) Additional information is included in the Project Description Document To successfully bring any complex project to completion requires proper planning and the coordinated effort of a group of people. To help your team achieve this goal, you will be introduced to the basics of project management and teamwork. This includes, but is not limited to: time management and task scheduling, team communications and meetings, fair division of labor and team member responsibilities. Student teams will be expected to produce related documents such as a project schedule and team meeting records, all of which must be regularly updated and kept in the team project notebook. Additional information is included in the Project Description Document.
Design Process and Cycle Process includes: identifying the project requirements and constraints, gathering background information, brainstorming, identification and management of materials, preliminary analysis & initial design, and the build/test/modify/document cycle As part of this process, you will brainstorm initial concepts of your AEV, produce a preliminary design of your AEV, document revisions as they occur, and produce a final paper design that accurately reflects your final AEV design Review Engineering Design Process material from 1181 Teams will reach a useful design much sooner if they follow a more formalized approach to the design process. Teams will brainstorm initial concepts of AEVs, produce a preliminary design, document revisions as they occur, and produce a final paper design that accurately reflects the final AEV design. Documentation of all design iterations will be kept in a project notebook, including initial concepts and the final design. Additional information is included in the Project Description Document and steps outlined in Tools and Tactics of Design reference text. It is expected that students will review the Engineering Design Process material from 1181 mini-design project.
Project Documentation Your project documentation consists of three parts: the team project notebook, the oral presentation and the final written report The team project notebook is the complete documentation of the AEV project, which will be reviewed on a weekly basis. It should contain your lab documentation, paper design, team meeting minutes, project management documents, and anything else of importance relating to the AEV Additional information is included in the Project Description Document Documentation consists of three parts: the team project notebook, the oral presentation and the final written report. The team project notebook is the complete documentation of the AEV project, which will be reviewed on a weekly basis. It should contain lab documentation, paper design, team meeting minutes, project management documents, and anything else of importance relating to the AEV. The final technical oral presentation is an overview of your AEV design. The final written report is a complete summary of all aspects of your design. The requirements for each of these are described during the design project. Other references are: Tools and Tactics of Design and A Guide to Writing as an Engineer.
AEV Video In addition to the required documentation components, an AEV Video can be completed for up to 2% extra credit on your overall grade Here is a short example video Example video: Open and watch video as it gives a good overview of the project from the student perspective
AEV Design Cycle
experimental Research AEV Project Objective (Problem Definition) Initial Concepts (Brainstorming) experimental Research (Programming) (System Analysis) ANALYZE DESIGN DECISION RESEARCH COMPARE PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 PT 4 After the Introduction and the overview of the Mission Concept, the first activity will be in Creative Design Thinking, which includes brainstorming and developing initial AEV concepts. FINAL DESIGN Present AEV Design
Design Review Phases
AEV Design Review Phases Demonstrate the design process through a series of review phases A design review is described as a: "documented, comprehensive examination of the design to evaluate the adequacy of the design requirements“ The Mission Concept Review (MCR) is an example of an early review phase; and, in this case, is provided. Review definition provided above. Design review phases are used, to various degrees, within industry and department of defense components The most commonly known are the Preliminary Design Review and the Critical Design Review. The review phases relevant to, and important for, the AEV project are listed on the following slides.
AEV Design Review Phases Procedure AEV design teams will demonstrate the design by: Developing Test Readiness Review Documents to demonstrate that the team is prepared to meet the Performance Test Objectives Developing a Preliminary Design Review Document from laboratory tests and Performance Test 1 Developing a Critical (Final) Design Review Document from detailed investigations in design, including the PDR, and Performance Tests 2-4 The Preliminary Design Review (PDR) and the Critical Design Review (CDR) are the major milestones for the AEV project. Each are worth 12.5% of the project grade. The Project Notebook and its content will be the primary judging criteria for BEST PROJECT DOCUMENTATION.
AEV Design Review Phases Overview Test Readiness Review: Performance Test 1 Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Test Readiness Reviews: Performance Test 2-4: Critical Design Review (CDR) Mission Concept Review (provided) Systematic view of the design review phases. Final Documentation
AEV Components Handout: AEV Kits DISCLAIMER for replacement of lost or damaged kits HANDOUT: AEV Kits Replacement of lost or damaged DISCLAIMER Batteries are to NEVER leave the classroom. Each component will be discussed with the students physically looking at each item.
AEV Components Classroom Components Kit Components Desktop Tracks Li-PO Battery and Chargers Kit Components AEV-Kit Automatic Control System Structure Pieces Hardware Electric Motors Propellers Monorail wheels Hand Tools Two (2) sets of AEV components: AEV-Kit (Student teams responsibility to bring to class). Students must be made aware of the DISCLAIMER, and Classroom components are to NEVER leave the classroom and are shared by all teams at respective tables. The classroom components are to stay in the classroom at ALL times
AEV Components Final Test and Competition Tracks Tracks: Desktop Desktop Track Each desk has a desktop stand to use throughout the AEV design process Classroom Track The laboratory has suspended track(s) for design and operational testing Tracks: Desktop Classroom Final Testing Desktop tracks are to be left in the CLASSROOM at ALL times. Point out classroom track overhead and relate it to the operational objectives in the Mission Concept Review slides that was previously discussed. Slight physical changes MAY be made to the track for final testing. Students will be informed at the appropriate time during the project.
AEV Components Final Test and Competition Tracks Tracks: Desktop Classroom Final Test Track Final Test Track Classroom track slightly modified Details released later in the project Slight physical changes MAY be made to the track for final testing. Students will be informed at the appropriate time during the project.
AEV Components AEV Structure and Wheels AEV Structure and Wheels Propulsion System Energy Storage Automatic Controller Motor Driver Aerodynamic Bodies AEV structure Structure components include various shapes and sizes of perforated plastic, monorail support arm(s), and necessary hardware for assembling various structural design layouts Structure pieces can NOT be modified. All AEV structure components must use provided parts Wheels are part of the classroom kit and must stay in the classroom at ALL times. The structural layout, including parts cost, will be the primary judging criteria for BEST ENGINEERED. AEV Wheels
AEV Components AEV Propulsion System AEV Propulsion System Structure and Wheels Propulsion System Energy Storage Automatic Controller Motor Driver Aerodynamic Bodies Brushless Electric Motor Two (2) brushless motors are provided in each AEV-kit. Brushless motors can run both clockwise and counter-clockwise directions, and can reverse directions instantly and seamlessly. Six (6) propellers are provided in each AEV-kit. Three (3) different, two (2) of each, are described by the markings on the propellers. The first two numbers are the propellers radius in millimeters and the second two numbers describe the percentage of pitch from propeller hub to propeller tip. This will be discussed in further detail in Performance Test 1. 2” and 3”, Diameter Propellers
AEV Components AEV Energy Storage AEV Energy Storage Structure and Wheels Propulsion System Energy Storage Automatic Controller Motor Driver Aerodynamic Bodies 2-Cell Lithium-Polymer Battery Capacity: 800mAh Voltage: 7.4V (nominal) The AEV power source is a 2-cell Li-PO battery. The battery is part of the classroom kit and must stay in the classroom at ALL times.
AEV Components AEV Automatic Control System AEV Automatic Controller Structure and Wheels Propulsion System Energy Storage Automatic Controller Motor Driver Aerodynamic Bodies Arduino Nano USB The AEV-Automatic Control System (ACS) includes two (2) arduinos and two (2) motor drivers. The AEV-ACS provides autonomous control and data recording capability for post-processing AEV performance. Motor Driver
AEV Components AEV Aerodynamic Body Components OPTIONAL AEV Structure and Wheels Propulsion System Energy Storage Automatic Controller Motor Driver Aerodynamic Bodies OPTIONAL components for AEV Design Home-built or Team Bought Innovative thought encouraged Aerodynamic body components are highly encouraged for creativity and functionality Each optional component must be securely fastened to the AEV structure, without modifying or damaging the structural components. The additional components and creativity will be the primary judging criteria for MOST INNOVATIVE.
Mission Concept Review Definition (see Project Description Document) The Mission Concept Review examines the proposed mission's objectives and the concept for meeting those objectives. The Mission Concept is provided and includes: Mission Statement Mission Objectives Mission Goals Overall Operational Guidelines Review definition provided above. The Mission Concept Review is provided to the students; however, it should be expressed that the problem definition phase of any design project, in itself, is a significant and very important phase, and can take a substantial amount of time and effort to define the problem clearly. Open and go over with students the Mission Concept slides for this terms mission statement, objectives, goals, and operational guidelines. Review Mission Concept Word Document