Bell Ringer _____ % of Earth’s water is salt water. Today is the start of Quarter 4 Quarter 3 grades are almost completed. Students who didn’t take midterm will take this week during lunch 97.5
Oceanography Oceanography – study of the Earth’s oceans, including saltwater properties, ocean currents, and marine organisms
Oceanography Ocean research first began in the 1800s HMS Challenger – researched saltwater and its currents Meteor – researched the seafloor using SONAR Route of Meteor Route of HMS Challenger
Oceanography SONAR – a ship sends out sound waves and measures the time it takes to echo back in order to calculate distances and map the ocean floor
Oceanography Topex/Poseidon Satellite – satellite that orbits the Earth, mapping the ocean floor, as well as monitoring currents, temperatures, and waves Submersibles – vehicles that explore the deepest parts of the seafloor (trenches)
Oceanography So, SONAR, Topex/Poseidon, and submersibles all explore the ocean ______. SONAR explores it on the _______ of the water, Topex/Poseidon explores it out in _____, and submersibles actually travel to the _________. floor surface space seafloor
Major Oceans and Seas About 71% of the Earth is covered in oceans Oceans cover most of the Southern Hemisphere
Major Oceans and Seas Pacific Ocean – largest ocean California Pacific Ocean – largest ocean Contains about 50% of all seawater Larger than all the continents combined Hawaii
Major Oceans and Seas Atlantic Ocean -- second largest ocean, extends from the Arctic Circle (near the North Pole) to Antarctica Europe and Africa North America South America
Divisions of the Atlantic Ocean Arctic (Northern) Ocean – water north of the Arctic Circle (but still considered part of the Atlantic Ocean) Antarctic (Southern) Ocean – water south of the Antarctic Circle (but still part of the Atlantic)
Major Oceans and Seas Indian Ocean -- third largest ocean Africa Indian Ocean -- third largest ocean Mostly located in the southern hemisphere Asia Australia
A: Which labeled letters are part of B: the Atlantic Ocean? C: D: E: Atlantic Indian Arctic C&D (Arctic & Antarctic) Antarctic Pacific C A E B E D
Major Oceans and Seas Seas – large bodies of water that are smaller than oceans Examples – Gulf of Mexico, Mediterranean Sea, Bering Sea
Major Oceans and Seas Some are landlocked (land all around them), while others connect to oceans Since there is no definite line between them, seawater and ocean water are basically the same Atlantic Ocean Gulf of Mexico Caribbean Sea
Today… Complete Saltwater Vocabulary (quiz on Friday) Put in basket when you are finished Complete Sailing the Seas activity (you will need either your phone or a laptop)
Labeling the Planet You can’t understand the oceans unless you understand how they relate to the planet Label the continents and oceans using previous knowledge and today’s notes Globes are available around the room. Get up and look if you need to. Only one person per globe, so get the information you need and then sit back down.
Vocab Word in a Sentence 4-Square Vocabulary Fold a sheet of paper in half two ways so that you get four squares. Put one vocab word on the front and a different one on the back. Alternate vocabulary words with the person sitting beside you until the two of you have done all 20 words (each person should have 10 words, 2 per page). KEEP THESE because we will be looking at them later in the week. Vocabulary Word Picture of Vocab Word Vocab Definition Vocab Word in a Sentence