Keeping up to date with the research literature Angela Carritt, User Education Coordinator Linda Atkinson, Bodleian Health Care Libraries
Session structure Information overload? Ways of keeping up to date RSS feeds Email alerts Types of alerts Tables of content Keyword News Practical exercises
Information overload? Information sources are increasingly varied… …and vast
CASE STUDIES: Problems 1. Ms Multi Disciplinary needs lots of different types of information from varied sources without having to continuously search different catalogues & databases. 2. Dr Ed Scientist wants to make sure he picks up all his favourite journals automatically so he doesn’t miss anything vital that his peers have published.
Ways of keeping up to date RSS feeds Email alerts
RSS feeds Really Simple Syndication: RSS feeds can keep you up date with your favourite website, blogs, news events, journal issue releases etc. and can be used as an alternative to email for database alerts. For more information
RSS feed readers Organise feeds using folders and tags Share single items, entire feeds or bundles of feeds
Case 1: Ms Multi Disciplinary Solution: database alerting services Includes RSS feeds, email alerts and saved searches NB Most databases require you to register for an account (FREE) to access these services
Case 1: Ms Multi Disciplinary Create alerts to notify you of new material added to databases such as: SCOPUS CSA Web of Science Proquest Business Source Complete ……… All available through OxLip+
Setting Up Alert in SCOPUS
Case 1: Ms Multi Disciplinary 2. Create alerts to notify you when a specific article is cited From abstracting and indexing databases such as Web of Science or Scopus Ambulatory Care by Disaster Responders in the Tent Camps of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, January 2010 Author(s): Broach J, McNamara M, Harrison K Source: DISASTER MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH PREPAREDNESS Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Pages: 116-121 Published: JUN 2010
Case 2 - Dr Ed Scientist I need to keep up to date with key journals in – but I haven’t got time to keep browsing in the library or on websites!
Solution: Table of Contents alerts Listings of tables of contents in journals as they are published. Alerts via email or RSS Two main sources: ZETOC alerts Journal publishers
ZETOC Access to the British Library’s electronic table of contents of around 20,000 journals and 16,000 conference proceedings published each year. Offers email and RSS alerting service as well as search. Can set up very simple search alerts for title keywords or authors (not RSS)
Publishers’ websites Access via OU E-journals/OxLIP+ Dependent on and different for each publisher platform – look for ‘my alerts’ or the RSS symbol May need to sign up (even for RSS)
Have a go! Set up an RSS reader and find and add some feeds Run some searches and subscribe to alerts by email or RSS Sign up for ZETOC Any questions, just ask!