Miss Yates’ News: Sept. 24th-28th The homecoming parade is open to all families of SJCS to ride the float. Need to arrive by 1:30 p.m. in front of the Augusta middle school. Thank you! Sa 9/21-12:30pm Shooting Tourney-Playground Fund. Mn 9/24-Blue Knights Boys’ Club 3:15-4:15-GYM W 9/26-1st Spelling Test-at, sat, mat -Johnny Appleseed Day! Sa 9/28-Homecoming Parade-Early Dismiss 12:30pm -Last day to wear uniform shorts! Specials: Monday-Technology Tuesday-Atrium, Music, Adoration Wednesday-P.E., Technology Thursday-Keyboarding, Music Friday-Library, Fr. John Religion, Art Mystery Letter Snack Schedule: Johnny Appleseed Day Thank you to Mrs. Renville for offering to cut our apples! Everyone needs to bring 1-2 apples for our special activities. Can choose the color! We will learn about Apple Science and do fun activities. Y- Sept. 24 Ryan Z-Zucchini Sept. 25 Eamon Blue Knights will meet in the GYM from 3:15-4:15 p.m. We will be taking A.R. tests on WEDNESDAYS for the rest of Q1. Please send books from home/Library (www.arbookfind.com). Reading (Alpha-friend):Tt-Ww Phonics-beginning consonants Math-Ch. 1-Addition Concepts Social Studies-L5-Time Religion-L4-10 Commandments Science-L4 Parts of the Human Body Bully Free-Review of L1-4; Lesson 5-Cafeteria and the Golden Rule Snack Helper-Harper Show & Tell-starts with /e/ like elephant Sight Words & Math Flashcards on Assigned Day! Math Fluency-Return practice sheet sent on Friday for EXTRA credit! DIBELS-Packet in Red Folder to be documented weekly for EXTRA credit! https://www.missyateskindergarten.weebly.com – byates@sjcsks.org – (316) 491-3728