Group E1 - Improving financing NPP QUESTIONS / DIFFICULTIES How many Member States intend to implement the USA licensing model which will help the NPP Project financing? May the Agency provide these information? Does Agency had knowledge about the Member States Governments which financially support the initial activities for implementation of National Nuclear Power? How this influences the future required financing of the NPP project by others sources (sponsors, banks, financial institutions, etc.)? What covered financing in NPP Pre-project phase (the infrastructure building and also NPP Project activities)? TM/WSP 5-9 Nov. 2007
Group E1 - Improving financing NPP QUESTIONS / DIFFICULTIES What are the typical conditions put by the Insurance Agencies for acceptance the NPP operational risk? How the NPP financing is affected by the liability convention applicable to nuclear power programs? Has the nuclear risks influence financing? How the NPP financing shall be assured in the countries with local and federal governments with different commitments to the nuclear power program? What are typical financial condition for borrowing loans for NPP construction? TM/WSP 5-9 Nov. 2007
Group E1 - Improving financing NPP QUESTIONS / DIFFICULTIES What kind of experience and case study may be provided for the Agency for the financing the NPP in the de-regulated electricity market where long term electricity (off-take) contracts (such as PPA) are not allowed? What are the main criteria for establishing and negotiation of BOT or similar model for the NPP in developing countries? May Agency provide detailed description of these models and criteria? Should the Government of the nuclear technology vendor country shares some risks for the NPP exported technologies in developing countries and NPP Project finalization, in addition to the risks assumed by buyer country Government? TM/WSP 5-9 Nov. 2007
Group E1 - Improving financing NPP QUESTIONS / DIFFICULTIES How to be protected the developing countries entering into a NPP contract with vendor technologies company which leads to failure to fulfill the obligations (bankruptcy, liquidation, transfer of the initial assets, etc.)? How the NPP biding process shall be better organized by developing countries in order to have real competition and to avoid to spend money without result (no NPP commercial contract)? Is the nuclear technology and NPP market dominated by the cartels? What is the Agency position on this subject? How the utilization of the same NPP type in one developing country (standardization) will influence financing of the program? TM/WSP 5-9 Nov. 2007
Group E1 - Improving financing NPP QUESTIONS / DIFFICULTIES Will it be possible to consider the shared infrastructures by neighboring (a group of) developing countries as “innovative financing” for the nuclear power program? Will assure that concept some advantages for NPP financing? What is needed for a developing countries which want to build NPP but it is not part of international convention for NPP operator liability? It is possible to be replaced this international conventions by another instruments? Will be possible to negotiate with nuclear technologies vendors without being part of international convention? TM/WSP 5-9 Nov. 2007