How is the U.S. Constitution flexible?
One reason the Constitution is considered to be flexible is because it includes the elastic clause.
The elastic clause gives Congress the power to pass any law that is “necessary and proper” for it to carry out its duties. Civil Rights Act of 1964
Another reason the Constitution is considered to be flexible is because it includes the amendment process. +
The amendment process allows the Constitution to adjust to changing times. 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments
U.S. House of Representatives In order to add an amendment to the Constitution, both houses in Congress must approve an amendment with a 2/3rds vote . . . U.S. House of Representatives U.S. Senate
. . . and then 3/4ths of the states must ratify the amendment.
Today, the Constitution has 27 amendments. 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment Amendments 4–8 19th Amendment Amendments 13 - 15 22nd Amendment