Introduction to Eyewitnesses Today’s Lesson Question: What factors can influence eyewitness testimony?
Today’s Objectives Students will be able to: 1) discuss the limitations of eyewitness accounts 2) explain factors that can influence visual memory
The Problem with Eyewitnesses Eyewitnesses cannot reliably process qualitative and quantitative information simultaneously -- and this plays a big role in shaping eyewitness testimony. To test this, focus on and observe only the folks in white T-shirts as they pass the basketball -- and try to count the number of times they pass the ball in 30 seconds (quantitative observation)in the following video.
The Problem with Eyewitnesses OK, who saw the gorilla? Better yet, who didn’t? Why did you miss him?
Eyewitness: How Accurate is Your Memory? minutes/main4848039.shtml
Test Yourself! yewitness.htm# Watch the video and then see how reliable your memory is!