Unit 2: BIM Technology, 2nd Edition September 14, 2016, 7:30 am – 5:00 pm Alabama AGC Building, 5000 Grantswood Road, Irondale, AL 35210 Name _______________________________________________Title____________________________ Company/Organization _________________________________________________________________ Street Address________________________________________________________________________ City______________________________________ State_________________ Zip__________________ Phone_____________________________________ Fax _____________________________________ Email _______________________________________________________________________________ Payment Information (Payment must accompany registration to secure your seat) Registration fee includes lunch and the Participant’s Manual for the course. Cancellation policy: Full refunds will be made for cancellations received ten (10) days before the first day of each class you are registered. After that date, no refunds will be granted. Replacements accepted. Deadline to register is August 31, 2016. Registration Fees Per course: □ $295 for member groups □ $375 for non-members *Discounts available for companies registering multiple participants ($25 discount per participant for 2-5, $50 per participant for 5+) A digital copy of Participant’s Manual is available for purchase via Amazon. Should you choose to purchase digital copy, you may do so and deduct $50 from the registration fee. Enclosed is a Check for $_________ made payable to Alabama AGC Charge my credit card $_________ (circle one): VISA MasterCard AMEX Card #________________________________________________ Exp Date _______/_______ Name as it appears on the card ___________________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________________________________ Unit 3: BIM Contract Negotiation & Risk Allocation – October 6, 2016 Unit 4: BIM Process, Adoption, & Integration – November 9, 2016 Please remit form & payment info to jeffr@alagc.org or mail to P.O. Box 102066, Irondale, AL 35210 For more info, contact Jeff Rodgers 205.451.1455 jeffr@alagc.org www.alagc.org www.agc.org