Business Model Canvas Customer Perspective Logistics Perspective “Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” ~ Rumi Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018
You are Here! BMC – Customer Perspective BMC – Logistics Perspective Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018
Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018 Business Model Canvas 心 قلب לֵב cœur corazón dil hati heart Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018
BMC – Customer Perspective Practical Tips! Value Proposition & target customers may change The heart of this is the problem we’re going to solve. That’s the full feedback between who the customer is and what their problem is. That’s all the empathy pieces we put into play. Note these could ultimately change (which would cause us to go back to the design phase), but at this point in a company that’s completely fine. This completely ties in the idea that we’re problem focused. This is the heart of everything. This thing is the Customer Profile. Examples? Value Proposition The collection of products & services a business offers to meet its customers’ needs Customer Segments The specific customers for which the Value Proposition is catered Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018
BMC – Customer Perspective Really push on the idea that all the tools we’ve developed are synthesized here. Customer Relationships The type of relationship formed with each Customer Segment. E.g., personalized service, self-service, community ecosystem, etc. Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018
Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018 BMC – Customer Perspective Why Channels? Just having the solutions & the customers aren’t enough. Customers have to GET the product! They have to interact/learn/acquire the product, etc. We then turn to the fact that just having the solution & the customers aren’t enough. Customers have to GET the product. They have to interact with the product, learn about the product, etc. That’s where we turn to rest. The “larger” solution concept (and this could be part of it). Channels The ways in which the Customer Segments can access the Value Proposition E.g., store front, partner channels (retailers), online, etc. Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018
BMC – Customer Perspective Aligned! Aligned! In the same way the Value Prop and the target Customer segments MUST be aligned (i.e. the Design had to completely understand that customer), The Channels & the Customer Relationships have to match. You can’t have customers that need high-touch and yet have self-service channels. This all needs to be aligned. These have to make a consistent strategy that ultimately can make money. Note at this point you might be considering different solutions. For each one you can go through this process and think through whether you can access everything you need to. It forces you to explicitly think of these things. They’re going to see with Slack how difficult this can potentially be. DO NOT FORGET HOW DIFFICULT IT CAN BE FOR PEOPLE TO FIND YOUR PRODUCT (if they’re making apps for instance). Also note they don’t necessarily have to get it right at first. This is where Customer Validation comes into play (which they’ll learn in Keystone). Strategy Requirements Distinctive Value Proposition Tailored Value Chain Differentiation (from competitors) Fit across Value Chain Continuity over time Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018
You are Here! BMC – Customer Perspective BMC – Logistics Perspective Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018
BMC – Logistics Perspective Next focus: Logistics Previous focus: Customer side Yesterday we focused on the customer side of things. The one thing we didn’t discuss (which we won’t in this week…although it’ll come up next week & in the Keystone) are the Revenue Streams. Obviously, they will all flow from the customers. Not really much to this. To finish it up, we now need to ask “how are we going to make the value proposition & develop these channels? This is essentially a value chain analysis. Didn’t discuss (covered in other modules) Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018
Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018 BMC Logistics Key Activities The specific activities necessary to execute the Value Proposition, maintain the Customer Relationships, and reach the targeted Customer Segments through the specified Channels Yesterday we focused on the customer side of things. The one thing we didn’t discuss (which we won’t in this week…although it’ll come up next week & in the Keystone) are the Revenue Streams. Obviously, they will all flow from the customers. Not really much to this. To finish it up, we now need to ask “how are we going to make the value proposition & develop these channels? This is essentially a value chain analysis. Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018
Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018 BMC Logistics Key Resources The specific physical, financial, intellectual, or human assets to execute the Value Proposition, maintain the Customer Relationships, and reach the targeted Customer Segments through the specified Channels Yesterday we focused on the customer side of things. The one thing we didn’t discuss (which we won’t in this week…although it’ll come up next week & in the Keystone) are the Revenue Streams. Obviously, they will all flow from the customers. Not really much to this. To finish it up, we now need to ask “how are we going to make the value proposition & develop these channels? This is essentially a value chain analysis. Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018
Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018 BMC Logistics Key Partners The network of suppliers and partners necessary to acquire the Key Resources and perform the Key Activities Yesterday we focused on the customer side of things. The one thing we didn’t discuss (which we won’t in this week…although it’ll come up next week & in the Keystone) are the Revenue Streams. Obviously, they will all flow from the customers. Not really much to this. To finish it up, we now need to ask “how are we going to make the value proposition & develop these channels? This is essentially a value chain analysis. Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018
BMC Logistics Didn’t discuss (covered in other modules) Yesterday we focused on the customer side of things. The one thing we didn’t discuss (which we won’t in this week…although it’ll come up next week & in the Keystone) are the Revenue Streams. Obviously, they will all flow from the customers. Not really much to this. To finish it up, we now need to ask “how are we going to make the value proposition & develop these channels? This is essentially a value chain analysis. Didn’t discuss (covered in other modules) Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018
Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018 Recap BMC In the same way the Value Prop and the target Customer segments MUST be aligned (i.e. the Design had to completely understand that customer), The Channels & the Customer Relationships have to match. You can’t have customers that need high-touch and yet have self-service channels. This all needs to be aligned. These have to make a consistent strategy that ultimately can make money. Note at this point you might be considering different solutions. For each one you can go through this process and think through whether you can access everything you need to. It forces you to explicitly think of these things. They’re going to see with Slack how difficult this can potentially be. DO NOT FORGET HOW DIFFICULT IT CAN BE FOR PEOPLE TO FIND YOUR PRODUCT (if they’re making apps for instance). Also note they don’t necessarily have to get it right at first. This is where Customer Validation comes into play (which they’ll learn in Keystone). Salman Azhar & Friends in 2018