Creating your business


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Presentation transcript:

Creating your business Names, Logos & Taglines Tell students that they will each be creating a company of some sort. Ask students that already have companies what type they have and what made them decide to create their company. Creating your business

Your assignment What kind of business would you like to create? Retail, wholesale, service, manufacturing, construction, professional or import/export? Encourage students to discuss what they are passionate about when deciding the type of business they will create!

Your assignment Create a name for your company before you begin to create your logo and tagline!

Your assignment Type your company name on a Google Doc to share with me or on a piece of paper to turn in today! You will also add your company logo and tagline to this doc/paper. Ask students that already have a company to share what the name of that company is and how they came up with the name. Allow time now for students to create a company name to share with the class.

Who is it?

Who is it?

Who is it?

Who is it?

Who is it?

Who is it?

Who is it?

Who is it?

Create a logo for YOUR company Create a tagline for YOUR company Who will you be? Create a logo for YOUR company Create a tagline for YOUR company This will be a work in progress, so changes will be accepted as we work through this process!

Name, Logo and Tagline This is due by Friday at the start of the period. ~ If you finish early, help someone else with this! Sometimes it takes to brains to create something awesome!