MICS Since 1995 Round Year/Period Emphasis # of Surveys MICS1 1995 World Summit for Children Goals 66 MICS2 2000 MICS3 2005-09 World Fit For Children Goals, MDGs, Other Global Monitoring Frameworks 53 MICS4 2009-13 MDGs, Other Global Monitoring Frameworks 60 MICS5 2013-16 Final MDG Assessment, A Promise Renewed, Other Global Monitoring Frameworks, baseline for post 2015 goals/targets 50 MICS6 2016-19 SDGs, other globally recommended indicators, new topics, emerging issues 43+ Minimum TA in MICS1, First Global Evaluation MICS2: Increased TA, better standardization MICS3: A “system” for quality assurance and TA MICS4: Emerging issues, adolescents, ECD, life satisfaction
Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Since 1995
SDG indicators fully/partially covered in MICS UNICEF [9] 2.2.1 Stunting 2.2.2 Wasting & overweight 3.1.2 Skilled birth attendant 3.2.1 Under-5 mortality 3.2.2 Neonatal mortality 4.2.1 ECD 5.3.1 Child marriage 5.3.2 FGM/C 16.2.1 Child discipline UNICEF as Co-custodian [5] 8.7.1 Child labour [ILO] 16.9.1 Birth registration [UNSD] 3.b.1 Full immunization [WHO] 6.1.1 Drinking water [WHO] 6.2.1 Sanitation + handwashing [WHO] Indicators in blue and italics are those under UNICEF’s custodianship
SDG indicators fully or partially covered in MICS 1.2.2 Multidimensional poverty [NG] 1.3.1 Social protection coverage [ILO] 1.4.1 Use of basic drinking service [UN Habitat] 3.1.1 Maternal mortality [WHO] 3.7.1 Met need [UNPD] 3.7.2 Adolescent birth rate [UNPD] 3.8.1 Tracer interventions [WHO] 3.a.1 Current tobacco use [WHO] 4.1.1 Reading/numeracy [UNESCO] 4.2.2 Preschool attendance [UNESCO] 4.4.1 ICT skills [UNESCO, ITU] 4.5.1 Parity indices [UNESCO] 5.b.1 Mobile phone ownership [ITU] 7.1.1 Access to electricity [WB] 7.1.2 Clean fuels and technology [WHO] 10.3.1 Discrimination [OHCHR] 16.1.4 Feeling safe [UNODC] 16.3.1 Crime reporting [UNODC] 17.8.1 Internet use [ITU] Indicators in blue and italics are those under UNICEF’s custodianship
SDG indicators fully or partially covered in MICS Custodians of MICS/SDG indicators Number of indicators UNICEF 14 WHO 7 UNESCO 4 ITU 3 ILO 2 UNPD UNODC UNSD, UN-HABITAT, WORLD BANK, OHCHR, Nat.Govts 1 each