Why did Henry VIII get married so often?
Henry’s Wives Activity 1 – Engage: Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII got married so often. Henry’s Wives Write in your Books the title and date and underline with a ruler. Start Here Activity 1 – Engage: Write down Three reasons why you think Henry VIII had Six wives. OFF WITH HER HEAD!
Write the names of his wives and any other facts you know. Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII got married so often. Henry’s Wives Activity 2 – Explore: Write the names of his wives and any other facts you know. Anne of Cleves Katherine of Aragon Jane Seymour Katherine Parr Anne Boleyn Katherine Howard
Henry’s Wives Reflect: What have we learnt so far? Adultery Divorce Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII got married so often. Henry’s Wives Henry VIII was playing Tennis while Anne Boleyn, his second wife, was being beheaded? Key vocabulary: Adultery Divorce Reflect: What have we learnt so far? Say one of your facts about Henry’s wives.
Making progress in history today: Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII got married so often. Making progress in history today: To evaluate the argument of historians about Henry VIII Thomas Cranmer To explain the impact Henry VIII has had in English history Henry VIII To describe the strengths and weaknesses of Henry VIII Ann Boleyn SMSC: moral – the impact of Henry’s decision on the World
Swap books with your partner If you have not done your Home Learning; Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII got married so often. Henry’s Wives Home Learning: Swap books with your partner If you have not done your Home Learning; ‘Off with your Head!’
Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII got married so often. Henry’s Wives Historical accuracy Success criteria Understanding You have answered the question showing clear knowledge. You have used APE to compose your paragraph. Applying You have prioritised the reasons for why Henry married so often using hierarchy. You have made links between points using a range of key words. Analysing You have written a detailed argument. Your paragraph is organised into a hierarchy. Your points are supported by precise knowledge and quotes. Evaluating You have constructed a sustained argument with an evaluation. You have depth to your explanations of historians’ quotes.
Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII got married so often. Henry’s Wives The Six Wives of Henry VIII
Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII got married so often. Henry’s Wives Activity 3 – Transform: Micro Lesson Think… Read and write a summary of the information found in your handout. Pair and Share… Share your information with your partner to allow you both to learn and make notes about each others subject.
Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII got married so often. Henry’s Wives Task 1 (5 minutes) Write which wife you feel sorry for the most and why. Task 2 (5 minutes) Write down your favourite of his wives and why. Instructions Complete either Task 1 or Task 2 and finally Task 3. Task 3 (10 minutes) Evaluate the previous arguments of the historians based on what we have learnt about Henry VIII this lesson.
If you finish the set work come and see me for a Star Task Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII got married so often. Henry’s Wives Extension Activity: Is this work too hot for you? If you finish the set work come and see me for a Star Task
Complete the test about the wives of Henry VIII. Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII got married so often. Henry’s Wives Home Learning: Complete the test about the wives of Henry VIII. Due next week
Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII got married so often. Henry’s Wives Plenary: What have we learnt this lesson? We have to remember the different beliefs and attitudes of that time when judging Henry VIII’s actions. Give this statement a score between +10 for True and -10 for False, be ready to explain your reasoning.
Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII got married so often. Our Learning Journey Even Better Learning: Some will evaluate the argument of historians. Using appropriate vocabulary to discuss the historical impact of Henry VIII: Developing historical skills: Great Learning: Most will be able to explain the impact Henry VIII has had in English history. Good Learning: All will be able to describe the strengths and weaknesses of Henry VIII. I can use key words to discuss the historical impact of Henry VIII Source inference skills Supporting points with evidence Completing independent research Using ICT skills to present work effectively I am developing historical skills
Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII got married so often. Henry’s Wives Reflective time: 1 Write one thing you have learnt this lesson. 2 What could you do to improve your progress?