Agricultural Activity Data Requirements for National Emission Inventories Dr. Bernard Hyde, EPA Climate Change and Environmental Research Programme Agricultural.


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Presentation transcript:

Agricultural Activity Data Requirements for National Emission Inventories Dr. Bernard Hyde, EPA Climate Change and Environmental Research Programme Agricultural Statistics Liaison Group Thursday 18 th November 2010 CSO, Ardee Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6

Environmental Protection Agency

National Emission Inventories nGreenhouse Gas Inventories UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and Kyoto Protocol EU Monitoring Mechanism Decision (280/2004/EC) nAir Pollutant Inventories UNECE Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) and its 8 Protocols National Emission Ceilings Directive (2001/81/EC) Large Combustion Plant Directive (2001/80/EC)

What do we report? nGreenhouse Gas Inventories Inventories on CO 2, CH 4, N 2 O, HFCs, PFCs and SF 6 annually (15 th Jan to EU and 15 th April UNFCCC) National Inventory Report (UNFCCC 15 th April) nAir Pollutant Inventories (15 th February annually CLRTAP) Main pollutants; NO x, SO 2, NMVOC, NH 3 and CO Particulate matter; TSP, PM 10 and PM 2.5 Heavy metals; Pb, Cd, Hg (priority) As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Se and Zn (additional) Persistent Organic Pollutants; Dioxins (PCDD/PCDF), PAHs, HCB (mandatory) PCBs (voluntary) National data gridded every 5 th year (EMEP 50km x 50km) Informative Inventory Report (15 th March annually)

What do we report? (contd) nLarge Combustion Plant Directive (LCPD) Inventories on NO x, SO 2 and Dust annually (30 th Sept) nNational Emission Ceilings Directive (NECD) NO x, SO 2, NMVOC and NH 3 annually (31 st Dec) nNational Emission Projections – Future emission trends

National Emission Inventory Livestock N fertiliser CattleSheepPigsPoultry Fert type Grassland Tillage GrazingHousedManure Management Housing typeDuration Storage Land application Manure type Land usage Manure type Store type Duration

National Emission Inventory Livestock N fertiliser CattleSheepPigsPoultry Fert type Grassland Tillage GrazingHousedManure Management Housing typeDuration Storage Land application Manure type Land usage Manure type Store type Duration

Animal Nos and Disaggregation nJune and December census nCattle nDairy Cows nSuckler Cows nBulls nCattle 0-1 nCattle 1-2 nCattle >2 yrs nSheep nLowland and Upland ewes nLowland and Upland rams nLowland and Upland lambs nLowland and Upland other sheep >1 yr old

Animal Nos and Disaggregation nPigs nGilts in Pig nGilts not yet served nSows in Pig nOther Sows for breeding nBoars nPigs under 20 kg and above 20 kg nPoultry – DAFF nHorses, goats, mules and asses nFertilizer stats – DAFF nLime stats - DAFF

Crop statistics and disaggregation nGrassland nSilage nHay nRough Grazing nTillage Crops nWinter and spring barley nWinter and spring wheat nWinter and spring oats nOther crops – beet, peas, pulses etc

Other statistics of interest nCensus of Agriculture nDED analysis for gridded data nAgricultural machinery nFarm Structures Survey nManure Management Practices

Other statistics of interest nPackaging wastes nPlastics (feed, fertiliser and seed bags, animal health, agrochemical etc) nGlass (animal health, agrochemicals) nMetals (oil drums, sheep dips) nPaper and cardboard nNon-packaging plastics nSilage and horticulture films and sheets nBale twine, wrap, cores nAnimal health wastes – spent sheep dip, syringes, needles, swabs, dressings, aerosols, unused medicines etc.

Other statistics of interest nAgrochemicals – unused (pesticides, dessicants, adjuvants), washings nMachinery waste nwaste fuels (engine, gear and lubricating oils) nbatteries, tyres, scrap machinery parts nConstruction and demolition wastes nOther wastes – paints, asbestos, fluorescent tubes, electrical equipment (possible PCBs, CFCs)