Lesson 5: Connecting device to meaning, Part Two The Odyssey Lesson 5: Connecting device to meaning, Part Two Students will analyze the poem “Ithaka,” concentrating on allusion, tone, and symbolism.
In our last lesson… You read and annotated the poem, “Ithaka” by Cavafy. You practiced identifying tone words.
Today we will… Explore how devices such as allusion, point of view, and symbolism can affect a text. Determine how such devices can help develop a theme.
Allusion Allusion is a reference to person, place, thing or idea that is of some significance. It doesn’t describe in detail, but rather mentions in passing as the writer expects the reader to understand the reference. Example: “Do you really have to act like such a Romeo?” This alludes to Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” and implies that he is acting romantically.
In Constantine Cavafy’s poem, “Ithaka,” the city of Ithaka seems to symbolize ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________